Plastic Soldier Review say that Linear-A have announced several new releases, including: WWI German Landwehr at Tannenberg (Set 1)WWI German Infantry at Verdun (Set 2)WWI Saxon Rifles 1914-15 (Set 3) This company's Ancients sets seem to get high marks for historical accuracy and sculpting, so t...
Ciao as mentioned in another post, following the visit to the Museum of Felonica (MN) and to the Museum of the War for Peace De enriquez of Trieste, many details arose unknown to me which necessarily required intervention on the master and therefore here is the new (improved) kit now available.I remi...
Thanks to the recovered information and to the producer Michael Cremerius (Germany Figuren), 3D printing gives us Italian Modern and World War I subjects that adapt very well to the GB Modelli kits Happy modeling gio
News from the Weald Foundation: World War I Fundraising Interactive EventFollowing the tremendous success of Jagdpanther Day 2023, we at the Weald Foundation cordially invite you to our inaugural Fundraising Interactive Event. These small...
This is driving me crazy (perhaps crazier).I know I've seen an image of this track system but I can't remember what sort of vehicle it was used on.I do remember it may have been a vehicle of US manufacture from the 1920s? The vehicle was in Australia which is a bit like the Rowan Atkinson joke about the re...
Shortly before the end of war a completely new design of the Artillerie-Kraftschlepper appeared. Unfortunately, almost nothing is known about it and most of what you can read is wrong. But I was able to assign some pictures to this vehicle.Characteristics- Type AS 80 k-Six-c...
Just noticed this. David Willey, curator of the Tank Museum, Bovington, shows the interior of what some claim to be the first tank, Little Willie
Hi all Just started to work on this Hobby Boss Schneider CA I decided to detail the tank's belly (the kit it's pretty...basic) and to update the running gear structure. In 2018 I visited the Musée des Blindés at Saumur and took some photos of their Schneider. Moreover, Blast Models produces an update...
Hi Krupp 130mm L26 Mod.1902 heavy gun - Argentine Army Another rare Krupp adopted by the Argentine Army isa Krupp 130mm L26 Mod.1902 heavy gun, was one of the very first heavy German guns having a using hydrodynamic brakes and recoil recuperator system.-This shows the tendency Argentina to requ...
G'day All, I just tried to access Barry's and the site is closed. I also notice that Baldwin has not visited Landships II since late 2021. Does anyone know how Barry is? His circumstances?
Hopefully I shall manage to attach the first photo (scanning awkward at present) of my plans for the Medium D tank; the plans are incomplete and will take some time to finish, but you may wish to see how they are coming on and share any comments you have. This first pic is of my first attempt, 1:72 scale and...
Greetings all. I just completed the design and build of a 1/72 scale paper model of the Holt 150 Ton Field Monitor, and I thought I'd share some photos with the group. For reference I used the side view illustrations of the vehicle from an article I found in one of the Landships forums. I also took some des...
Stumbled across this novelty item on this rather odd site: The Adjutant of His Excellency (Adyutant ego prevoskhoditelstva) is a Soviet 1969 mini-series directed by Evgeniy Tashkov. The story is set in 1919-1920, during the Russian civil war. Pavel Andreevitch Koltsov (Yuriy Solomin), an agent...
Hi, would anyone know what colour the American Red Cross painted their ambulances in Italy? Looking at the attached images they're clearly a very different colour to the green uniforms, maybe grey or beige/tan? Also the perennial black and white photo question, would the markings be black or red...
The US built two different tractor caissons at the end of WW1 in response to criticism that the Holt artillery tractors could not carry any men or ammunition with the towed gun. In effect they produced US versions of the Schneider CD artillery tractor. The tractor caissons were based on the Holt 5-...
Hi! I am looking for pictures of the Mark IV roof. Most of the "walkaround" photos are taken from the gound, and I couldn't find proper photos of the roof section. I'm building a 1/16 scale model and the placement of the roof bolts and rivets is a part I don't have enough information on.
I know our friends in Ukraine have far more important things to worry about than the Mark Vs, but I stumbled across what appear to be photos of them in Kiev in1941, after the capture of the city. They're new to me. I've been wondering whether the tanks are still intact, and I was hoping to find the location...
Have now watched it a few times. It ticks all the usual boxes, for good or bad. The battle scenes are mostly gruesome, although the "human wave" attacks are, as often, rather overdone, and are similar to those in the original 1930 version and Paths of Glory, etc, with infantry out in the open, swarming a...
It looks as if the land where Mephisto came to grief has been built on. This is the spot in 2017: Just did a google map and saw this. Monument Farm on the left, new buildings on right. If you do a street view, this is now the view from the farmhouse, where the orchard was.
Hi there. I'm planning to build a Mark II Male tank based on the Takom's Mark I kit. This should be easy as all what needs to be done is the following: - remove the tail and hydraulics mechanism - use the Mark IV top with newer hatch (inside the kit) - use the Mark IV cabin with Vickers machine gun mounting (i...