This photo turned up on Quora yesterday - apparently taken at the T34 Museum near Moscow. Presumably it is not scale size! Does anyone have more information?
It may well be that these original Albert Kahn Autochrome photos have already been posted here. For me there are some unknown photos, so I thought I will post them nevertheless. And perhaps it sheds some new light on the camouflage question…An interesting aspect (for me) is the widespread use of blac... This Russian site that contains several photos of the Mark Vs in Berlin 1945 seems to be shut down. Don't know if it's a temporary glitch or something connected with the current geopolitical situation.
here we are with another nice kit
If it turns out half as good as I imagine it will be a hit
A bit of history:
When the First World War broke out, the Regia Marina had the task mainly in the Adriatic, to maintain maritime domination and to protect the coasts. Along the coasts, armed trains were e...
Une conférence de Paul Malmassari sur l'origine des chars: "Pourquoi et comment?"Paul Malmassari, auteur selon moi d'un des meilleurs livres sur les premiers chars français,a prononcé une conférence sur le sujet au Musée de la Grande Guerre de Meaux, juillet 2016.Paul Malmassari, author of, in...
I have just updated the Lovett Artillery Collection web site. If the old main page comes up try deleting cookies or putting directly into the web browser and hitting refresh. Hopefully, the new site will be easier to navigate. If you prefer the old web site style, just hi...
Luis Eduardo Gonzalez has recently put out a surprisingly good book on Mexican Artillery from the 1860s until the WW1 Era. This is a series of books he has written in English language on this period of Mexican history. In my opinion, it is worth getting if you are interested in this period of US/Mexica...
I keep reading articles (including Landships) where it is quoted that E Bn tanks were numbered. From the photos I have, NOT all were numbered when they went into battle, but only had the tank's name on (except one, which has crossed flags painted on its front glacis.). References also give the tank's...
HI All, I've seen that DEN BELS has released a new 1/72 kit of the K-Wagen. I wonder how it compares with the Kora kit ? Are there pictures somewhere ? What do you want to do ?New mailCopy
Buongiorno Dopo le richieste dei nostri amici modellisti, abbiamo deciso di proporre il Ponte di Barche sia in versione base che in singoli pezzi.Kit 72095 – PONTE WWI e WWII TIPO "Birago" (n.1 Barca, n. 1 Cavalletto, n. 3 Sez. Ponte)....€. 20,00Kit 72095(a) - BARCA da ponte TIPO "Birago"...€. 6,0...
I was interested to know if WWI armoured cars were painted white inside? I have seen photos/footage of the Rolls Royce online that show a white interior but these vehicles also served in WWII. I am particularly interested in the Ford Armoured cars of 1916.
How long were the Mk.I and Mk.II supply tanks used? Can I add the red and white stripes on my model or were they pensioned by the time the stripes started to be used?
Found the attached image in an Italian archive of WW1 images. The image was horrible but cleaned up pretty well. The caption said it's a 105mm gun. The truck looks (I think) like the SPA9000 trucks that had the 102mm guns mounted on them However, the mounting looks quite different - I've added an image...
I have a French Berthier 1890 Cavalry rifle.... in great condition; It has a large "star of david" escribed by tiny tacks on both sides of the stock.Was this rifle used in Israel?Was this something a Jewish Soldier in WW 1 might add?Is there any other explanation?Thanks.karbrimac
I have just read a book entitled 'Chemical Soldiers' by Donald Richter. It is the story of British gas warfare in WW1. It describes the various methods of delivering poison gas to the enemy trenches. One of the methods was to load narrow gauge wagons with gas cylinders fitted with a detonator head to re...
As I'm trying to finish my two "Gaza" Mk.I from Master Box I started to think about the rear of the tanks. As these don't have the tail wheel, should they really have the hydraulics left?
I bought a resin kit of Hedi. It seemed Ok compared to pictures. One can see that it is based on parts from Emhar's A7V kit. I had seen that there were a couple of things that needed to be fixed. The doors should actually be flush with the hull sides and I could have let it pass but the hinges are placed incor...
Hello, I was trying to see what the French Defence Agency archive ECPAD has on WWI tanks but have been going in circles on their website. I don't speak French and Google Translate doesn't seem to work well with their website's format. The search field on the home page gives only a few returns which see...