I've enjoyed reading the British magazine Tradition (not to be confused with the French Le Magazine Tradition) for many years and hope that some of you might be able to fill gaps in my collection. I've 53 (of 76) issues in digital format and about 10 in paper format (though not all of the latter are...
Hello, these pics are a few years old but they show the Tank Mark V in 1/72 that I made by remixing somebody else's model. I don't have my own 3D printer so I used the one at my local public library. It's not a very good printer; it is the FDM type (filament) so it doesn't do a good job with small details and it l...
Moving heavy artillery from location to location involves quite an organisation. I always wondered how to change from train track gauges. For instance, to move a German 42cm gamma gun it was split up in several loads. The heaviest still weighted almost 26 ton. To come nearer to the front the train g...
A rather odd, broadly correct, but somewhat error-strewn doco on the creation of the Tank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5epRCHelc8 I noticed two rather interesting items that I don't recall seeing before - although, as usual, I might be wrong. 17' 14" - 17' 50" Test drive of the Buick versio...
Here we are with the first two releases among the new releases announced. We have decided not to release the pontoon bridge (used both in the First and Second World Wars) in a single box, but we offer, given the great possibility of construction, the individual parts that compose it, leaving freedom...
All the references I come across ll say that the lorry was 24"-0" long by 6'-0" high. Most probably all coming from the same source. However, blowing up some of the photos and scaling off them, the actual height to the top of the sides vary between 7'-2,5" to 7'-7,7". Does anybody have a verifiable heig...
I never thought possible, but the spare parts list of a Dürkopp Artillery tractor is up for sale on eBay!!! My absolute dream model! There is one drawback however: 599€ is simply exorbitant and far beyond my financial reach. Argh
Hi guys I'm Joerg from Germany and a newbie here. I've 3d printed a model of the Ford 3ton tank. I normally don't build early tanks, so I have no glue what colors I can use for this tiny tank. I've asked Steven Zaloga He said he used a mix of "tan" color with Tamiya XF90 Red Brown. The original color must have b...
It all began when I decided to try to clarify the extent to which Wells could be said (as he frequently is) to have "invented the tank." This produced a great deal of interesting reading, some of it fascinatingly ill-informed, misguided, or badly researched. But that's for another time. A...
So I was looking through a couple of photos and I was wondering if there were any type of spuds attached to the tracks of the Mk.V, I've only seen through historical photos that only Mk.IVS have these sort of attachments, as well as the previous versions before it. Any help on this would be appreciated.
Hi! Long time since I last posted. Checking previous threads, there's some info on the special MMGS modifications of the Ford model T, specifically this one: Consensus seems to dictate that this might have been used in the Western Front. The wheels and the body of the car seems to be of the same colour,...
Hi all. Thank you for such a gold mine of information Ive found in this site!! I have seem many pics of how the MK 1 and Mk IVG were moved about by rail but something I have not found, how did they get across the channel? I do not think they had RoRo of any type for them, Nore a rail ferry seems out of sorts due to w...
I have set up a facebook page focusing on the "Dicke Bertha" guns where I have posted almost all the material I have on file. I think that it is too extensive to post it all on the Landship Forum. Would it be acceptable to post the link to the facebook page here on the landship forum? Regards, Harry -- Ed...
Hello I found another photo of the Semovente 105/14. I recently made a post about this beast in the FB Landships group and I used the text from the Landships article. I noticed the article has only two photos, so this new one makes three. I also noticed it (the article) talks about a Renault FT-17 so I corr...
Another remake of All Quiet on the Western Front, due out next month. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFqgmaO15x4 A glimpse from the film of 2 Saint-Chamonds. No idea what they are. The real thing borrowed from Saumur? A replica? CGI? Does this help?
We are collecting materials about the Estonian armored car called "Vanapagan" that fought in the Estonian War of Independence 1919-1920.The goal is to build a moving copy of an armored car. The machine was built in 1919. It took part in battles in Southern Estonia and Latvia.Question - old Estonian...
At first glance, I assumed these were French mechanics at work. I have not been able to identify the vehicle. When I was looking close at the photo, I saw a cap hanging on the hand brake lever. The insignia makes me think these might be GERMAN mechanics! What do you think? Thanks for your input, Joh...
Greetings, At first glance, this stateside ambulance would appear to be a GMC. But, looking at the hood (bonnet), it clearly is not a GMC. Can anyone help me identify what chassis was used for this ambulance? Thank you, John A-G
Hello! I hope this thread is the right one... I´ve got several questions about some markings.Maybe someone is able to help, please. 1) A circle with a horizontal stripe. Could it be 208th. Inf.Div. ("Stripe-Division; in german: Strich-Division)? Note, the soldiers of that division wore those mar...
Hello! I just received this A7V photo. We see a tank 2nd edition (continuous ventilation slots), and only one cross at the side. So it will have been taken before June 1918. Any ideas, which tank it is? Thanks a lot in advance.
I could have sworn I'd already followed this up, but it would seem not. The film The Patent Leather Kidhttps://archive.org/details/ThePatentLeatherKid1927.3gp
I am looking to restore an American 75mm projectile that had been turned into a lamp.It would have been a yellow colour as was standard for Army HE projectiles and grenadesuntil the ww2 change to OD. Does any one know what oil based paint to use or where to get it.G.S.