Since I found a 1920 article on the manufacturing process of the French 75's recoil system by Singer, I decided to clean it up a bit (removing typos and converting units to metric) and post it, which will be on this thread. But in order to understand the significance of this, it is important to know how t...
Again, only tangentially connected with our hobby, but I feel that peripheral topics have their place. I hope you find these little anecdotes entertaining. The story begins with a visit to Warwick Castle , a few miles away from where we now live.. I was surprised to see that Warwick is not a city , merel...
Disponibile/AvailableKit 72091 – PONTONE ARMATO Classe “Martora” con cannoni da 76/40..............€. 40,00Kit 72092 – CANNONE da 76/40 Mod. 1916 R.M. con sistema di mira “San Giorgio” ..........€. 15,00
The sFH 13 was originally designed using a fairly conventional hydro-spring recoil system but, like the British 18-pdr field gun, heavy use at the start of WW1 resulted in the recuperator springs breaking. In both case, a hydro-pneumatic recoil system was introduced to solve the problem which, in...
I'm sure I don't need to translate that. I stumbled across the site of Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique, which was founded in 1939 and has HQ in Paris. Then found a collection of videos of French tanks, softskins, experimental models, and all sorts, from WWI until 1919. At the risk of app...
Austin Mk.III built almost out of the box. The stays for the machine gun protections were solid triangles in the kit so I replaced them with plastic strips. It became a German car. Austin Mk.IV This one was built out of the box
I've been reminded of the suggestion that some Mark IVs were captured by the Germans and later recaptured and used against them. Is that the case? Asking for a friend. No, I really am asking for a friend.
Found this pic of the above. Caption says they are for the East African campaign. They seem to have an armoured cupola, and the searchlight is interesting. Anyone any info?
This is wildly off-topic, but I hope you will tolerate it. When we have been to the Western Front, we have stayed with a remarkable couple. Indescribably hospitable. They are utterly charming, and treat you like a member of the family. (It happens that Alain went to school with President Macron.) The...
Recently came across an episode of a miniseries called "The First Modern War." This one "Armoured Beasts." It isn't too bad. Several American historians, plus David Willey from Bovington (Tank Museum) and Christy Campbell (author of Band of Brigands). Swinton gets too much credit, as usual. Flee...
To go along with my German 9cm Kanone 1873, I have gotten a Limber (Protze) Box for the 9cm Kanone 1873/88. It is quite different from the standard 73 model Limber (protze). I am looking for the limber frame, axle, wheels, projectile baskets, original photos, and technical drawings for this 73/88 Typ...
I'm sure we're all familiar with the story of how, at d'Eyncourt's suggestion, the 6 pounders came to be fitted in sponsons on the side of the early rhomboids. I've read it many times. Then it occured to me that I'd never actually seen one in situ on a ship. It was a real struggle to find one on a British ship...
I am going to build a model of the CMK 30.5cm M11 Morsler what color would a WW I KUK Armee one be painted. In the pictures on this site it looks like a green color. Were any painted Brown H62?
How good are 3D scanners, are they good to get precise accurate measurements, whats the error margin etc, are there thing they cant do. I was thinking of using a 3D scanner to measure up a vehicle, maybe hire someone to do the job than buy one. Measuring by hand with a tape measure pen and pencil can be such...
Hi, WWI noob here. working on a Takom Mk.IV female and was wondering on painting practices. - what did the painting process look like? was it Plate > Parkerizing > Primer > Paint? - How was the paint applied? was the Mk.IV brush or spray painted? I have seen pics of ladies hand paintin...
Good Morning from Germany. I search for Datas of the A7V Flakpanzer or AA Tank. lenght of the Plattform and so?? i am try to build one in 1/76 or 1/72 are there somewhere Plans of this Vehicle?? Greetings Helmut
Good afternoon While doing researches, I found that (on, the Pavesi Wirecutter is stated as possibly being called "Fiat 1000". My question is: Does anyone confirm that the Pavesi Wirecutter was the Fiat 1000? Or, in case it was not, what was the Fiat 1000? Did it even exist? Let's try a...
I have been told by an acquaintance who is on holiday in France that while investigating a sink hole near Delville Wood, the local council have found a "tracked troop carrier." That's all he told me, via Twitter. I've asked him for more details.
Some time ago I was looking for some pictures showing how the "cargo" on the Supply Tank was stacked. I've attached the best 3 I have. Now I wonder how come the whole thing didn't caught fire. There is a long and hot exhaust pipe going from the cabin till the back of this tank. Did they use a heat cover or what...
Hello Everyone, Not new to the site but had to reset username and password due to changing emails. Thanks to retirement and Covid it has given me a chance to do some 3D Cad modelling of Mark I, Mark IV and Mark V tanks. I have focused on getting the Mark IV tank more to completion. I like what others have shar...
On the 80th Division Veterans Association , Howitzer is of 38 cm caliber and was manufactured in Pilsen, Austria in 1917. It was cap...