I'm building a Mark IV Supply Tank based on the Takom kit. I was looking for some reference phots in the Beute-Tanks British Tanks in German Service Vol. 1/2 (Tankograd). I've found a few nice pictures, but I have a question related to the escape hatch on driver's cabin. So far I thought that these were i...
I'm always looking for books describing WW1 vehicles and have been able to acquire a number in either digital or paper format. Was wondering what some of your favorites are? Though I've not modelled many yet, this is the ultimate goal. Other than the Tankograd series I'm not aware of many referenc...
I think this is the longest period of inactivity on the forum that I can remember. Have we actually discovered everything there is to know? A very happy Christmas to all Landshippers.
Hi all, it's been some time since my last post but I need some help with some markings on a Holts gun tractor which has white swastika symbols on it, would like to find which Reg. or Corp. it was used on. Many Thanks!
Hello everyone, I go by IronPeregrine in most online spaces, and have as of the last couple weeks have found this wonderful forum and am now making my first post with this one (Almost accidentally posted to the general Tanks page by mistake). I have been researching the tanks of WW1 to make a game to play...
Hi, I've been making this interior kit as a big project for myself for quite a while now, and I just want to check if it's decent enough for modelling standards. All the help would be appreciated, thanks.
Hello everyone, I go by IronPeregrine in most online spaces, and have as of the last couple weeks have found this wonderful forum and am now making my first post with this one. I have been researching the tanks of WW1 to make a game to play with my friends (an online version of a tabletop game played in an Ex...
Hello! I received this nice photo of a german 21cm mortar, M16. Is someone able to explain the shooting plate, please? It seems to have to do something with the range and the minutes of shooting, right? Thanks a lot. -- Edited by Ruhrpottpreusse on Friday 12th of November 2021 04:05:05 AM
Maybe one for Mad Zeppelin. The A7V book reprint (2020). Page 96, the last photo in the book. An A7V stuck nose-down in a ditch. It's credited to the Jochen Vollert Collection, but I can't see a caption anywhere. I've looked over and over again, and it might be staring me in the face, but I can't spot it. An...
thought I might pass this new release on to the group. This is the 1914 model, the 1916 model is also available. You will note the kit includes the limber.
A still from a very short film clip of an A7V. Only 3 or 4 seconds. British (?) soldier walks into shot, turns to camera, and grins. That's it. Might be old hat, but I don't recall it.
Just finished, a gamma 42cm model in the scale 1/35. Figures are converted Trumpeter WW2 figures with heads from Jon Smith Modellbau. The gun is a laser printed model with the big parts casted in PUR resin. Panzerconcepts. I opted for a simulated groundwork, the part under groundlevel are so enormou...
Hello! I´ve found this photo. Unfortunately I can´t determine that gun. We see german soldiers, but that doesn´t mean, it´s a german one. I´d be glad, if someone could help. Thanks a lot!
Dear Friends,I am looking for an article entitled: “Russian Armored Railway Cars” from: The Cavalry Journal, Vol. XXXVII, April 1929, No 155.Can anyone help me? Yours Chris.
I'm considering an article for Landships II on the Naval guns used by the Italian Army in WW1. These were often mounted on the somewhat bizarre looking De Stefano carriage. However, there was also a mounting/platform that the De Stefano carriage sat on during firing. This was a pair of rails with a woo...
Hello! I bought this (already built) nice 1/35 model from a Renault FT with an 8mm Hotchkiss. As far as I know, the patches are from 2nd platoon, 1st company, 344 Tank Battalion, 304 Tank Brigade, US Army 1) Is that right? 2) What about the number "706"? Is it a right one, or should I better try to remove it?...
on the greatwarforum.org in their books section there is a post on a book that some on this site might find use full: Lastkraftwagen German Military trucks Volume 1 and 2 Jochen Vollert
I know this has been discussed before but I searched for that discussion and was thwarted. This famous photo of a pigeon being released from a tank is usually cropped but in the larger version there is a number visible. To me it looks like the number is 4069 or perhaps 4089, which would make this a MkIV, bu...
Hello, I am in the process of modelling this fascinating, historical gun in SolidWorks. Have attached raw renders of the current state. Comments are welcome; there are still a lot of details missing and/or unclear, but at least the overall proportions are way better than the Takom kit. My sources ar...