Just had a pleasant surprise in finding a .pdf of a 1921 manual for the 60 pounder gun Mk 1 - if anyone wants a copy, drop me an e mail and I'll send it via Dropbox, looks to include the Mk 1 and Mk 3 carriage as both used during the war (not the later type with the recuperator below the barrel)
I recently completed this heavy prime mover, just in the idea it could pull the 145 mod 16!The model is from the same manufacturer (Blitz), very easy to assemble and giving a good idea of this impressive vehicle, but maybe not as good as the gun with some places claimed for detailing and improvement esp...
Hi All
Here is my update on my garford putlov, an armo kit in 1/35
almost done except the bottom weathering
this was my first resit kit, I had a lot of fun with it, especially since you need to scratch build lots of stuff like the steps towards the drivers door.
...and can take some more photos of them? All BL 60pdr MkI, all in the USA: Bloomingdale, NJ (There are two photos of this gun, taken by Mike Casale, in the article on the 60pdr, but more would be better!) Terrace Park, Springfield, SD Wabasha MN Cairo IL
New WW1 dismounted Chasseurs and Dragoons 1914-1915These dismounted troopers are operating a St Etienne machine gun as well as firing carbines and in other moving poses. These is an officer in each set. The Dragoons officer is holding a map and giving directions. The chasseurs officer is using hi...
Well Santa might be bringing a few more goodies as well as the the Ace 155mm. Noted this on the Strelet forum. Clearly the problems in the Ukraine may put a spanner in the works for the time line.StreletsNov 20, 2014 - 1:02AM86.27.26.105 Re: to Strelets'R: new releases Plan is for 11 sets. 3 Arms ser...
From a Facebook group, this purportedly shows a group of "beute" British tanks being prepared for combat in a French workshop by the Germans. I don't trust too much in the facebook captions. Is it correct? I've never seen this picture before and I thought it's rather interesting.
Found this on MasterBox website, another set of British W1 figures in 1/35th scale. Interesting that they are concentrating on the Battle of the Somme period http://www.mbltd.info/35146.htm
Found this on French railway magazine website. A new book due in October Les chemins de fer français dans la première guerre mondialehttp://www.lrmodelisme.com/librairie/1690-les-chemins-de-fer-francais-dans-la-premiere-guerre-mondiale.html#menu_centre
Hi All, For the model diorama with the Mk IV tank in I am doing, I would like to make some of the reels that were used by British wiring parties who were patching up the front line defences. I would be really (or should that be reelly?) grateful if anyone out there has any information / drawings / pictures o...
The Bovington replica MKIV has arrived in Portsmouth today. It will be on show at the City Museum over the weekend, with representatives from the Tank Museum and HMS Excellent. Although I've seen a few times now, it's great being able to see it in my home town. :) Annoyingly I am working tomorrow, so wil...
Last year or so I came across this restored Bethlehem Steel 37mm gun serving as a WW1 memorial in the Hopkinsville, Kentucky city cemetery. This is the same type of gun the French tested as a potential anti-tank gun and rejected. Thought you all might be interested in seeing it!
Hello! My last work completed in the WW1 range, and I was very happy because I like those heavy guns and, until recently, it was very hard to found anything good. now there are both Des and Blitz (mostly french ones) and Resicast (British subjects). If Takom follow the path open with the Austrian mortar...
Does anyone know where I can find out information on the tank vs tank battle at Agwoint on Oct 8th 1918? I say a comment about this action but no real details.
I'm sure plenty of people will be going to the big show at Telford this weekend, so don't forget to drop by the W^D Models stand, we will be in Hall 1, hopefully near to the Great War special display with other specialist retailers. Come and say hello and have a look at our stuff! Mike