Well there's no point breaking out the airbrush and compressor just to paint one model now is there? Pretty much everything I did on my Mk.IV male was repeated on this one with the exception of the sponsons. A set of my corrected Mk.IV sponsons were modified to supply tank configuration, moulded and th...
As a retired researcher, I still enjoy looking up 'stuff' on the Internet. However, I've not have much luck finding three-dimensional views of Continental WW1 vehicles. If any of you can tell me what French or German terms are the equivalent of "three-dimensional'. it would be greatly app...
Does any manufacturer offer wheels for various softskins in 1:35 scale? I've a number of die-cast vehicles that are naturals for conversion, but the wheels are not correct. Thus I'd like to purchase some if available at reasonable cost. Bosun Al
Dear All, I am a volunteer member of a narrow gauge railway museum charity called the Moseley Railway Trust (http://www.mrt.org.uk), who operate the Apedale Valley Light Railway in North Staffordshire, UK As you are aware, 2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. Th...
The prototype(s) for the Mark V* is(are) said to have been built at Central Workshops in France by splitting a Mk IV in two and stretching it by six feet; is it known whether the roof of the prototype was modified with a turret/cupola like the final design, or if it was much like the donor Mk IV?
The International Red Cross has digitised its WWI PoW Record Cards. It was much easier to trace someone who was killed, but now you can find someone who was recorded as PoW by the Red Cross. It took me a few minutes to find my great-uncle, who was taken prisoner in March, 1918. He was 19. If you had a relativ...
Hello , My name is Dan Silvestru I am from Romania and I make resin models. I want to start a new 1/35 range with WW1 vehicles. First I choyce is Renault armored car model 1915. Please can you help me with scale drawings and photos ? I need to the information from interior arangement and chassis and engine t...
Hello, ? I'm looking for a modelling-suitable source of information (drawings and/or detailed specifications) of the TOG II* tank as seen in Bovington. Does someone here know a book or webpage which could help to model this tank? From all I read about it until now, it is closely related to the ideas an...
In "British Mark I Tank 1916" by Fletcher it says: "The Male tanks carried three Hotchkiss air-cooled machine guns: one in the front, operated by the commander or driver as needed, and one in each sponson, behind the main gun: these could be fired by the loader or gearsman." How...
So it predates WW1 and I thought you guys would like this: It's called the 'Autofortezza' and was designed by Signori Vincenzo Longobardi 8th May 1912From the sketch it looks very much like a patent application but I'm afraid I cannot locate the original Patent for it so it may be lost.If anyone has a...
Ok, I am digging around kit & aftermarket specs tonight - i/ Tamiya says 87 links per track for their Mark IV. ii/ Takom says 92 links per track for their Mark IVs. iii/ Fruil provide 180 links in their standard set, equalling a possible 90 links per track. Who is right? If anyone! Have all three ma...
Hello, Everyone! My name is Pierantonio and I write from Italy. I've been lurking for a while and now decided to join this lovely forum. I am a modeller and interested in armored warfare history and the webmaster of the site www.ferreamole.it devoted to moder Italian Army tanks. My first WWI tank wa...
I've come across the 1973 reprint of Taschenbuch der Tanks by Fritz Heigl, but there's no sign of?what might be the CA3. Has anyone got a version that has got this drawing in it? I can't understand why there should be a drawing in an authoritative work that isn't identified - I should have thought that th...
Hi All, This is my first post on the forum. I had mostly browsed in the past. This site has been a great resource. I just realized we didn't post our kickstarter last month. It is a 1/56 (28mm) scale model kickstarter for WWI tanks. You can view the kickstarter here. Our company is called Trenchwor...
I would like to build some horsedrawn WWI wagons, field kitchens ect in 1/76 scale to add to the ones by Hat. Imex has a number off old west/ACW wagons that could be converted. Does anyone have any information or advise on this? Figures that I am interested in 1/32 scale of the major figures of WW I. in 1/76...
Can anyone help me identify these Cartridge cases I acquired in Belgium? The one dated 1916 is about 4" wide at the base and 12" tall. the one dated 1917 is about 3.5" at the base and 11" tall. Thanks! -- Edited by tjcasey14 on Monday 4th of August 2014 10:58:43 PM
I really felt inspired yesterday… new sculptures designed, moulded and made in a day.I really felt inspired yesterday having released the first batch of my 1914/15 French Army miniatures earlier this week. It was one of those days when inspired by some of my photo’s of French infantry of the early wa...
Hello All, I have just taken ownership of a 1914 Krupp 77 mm Feild gun. Missing is the breech block, elevation gearing (screw damaged) & deflector on left hand side of breech with it's block (has 4 bolt holes)