Here are the sprue shots and instruction scans from PMMS. Takom seem to have gone a bit bonkers breaking the 'Boids down to every last plate and panel, so checking 'square' during construction will be even more essential than with the old Emhar. A tip I have seen is to glue 1x1 or 1x2 Lego bricks inside r...
It sure looks great, especially after having tried to build with those awful old Emhar kits. And I feel the tank itself would suit the idea of "World War One destroying the old order in Europe" most admirably-when you think about it, it actually looks like a grotesque parody of modern abst...
Stumbled on this. Another view of one of the Mk Vs in Berlin, 1945. Don't remember seeing this shot before. The building in the background is the Altes Museum (Old Museum), so the cathedral would be to the right of it. Sorry if not new, as ever. -- Edited by James H on Thursday 3rd of July 2014 09:22:44 AM...
Gentlemen , Was it possible to mount a grenade (roof) shield (like on the Mark I) on a Mark IV because the unditching beam rails are in the way..... I've seen a drawing of a mark IV equipped with one but no actual photographs greetz Ronald -- Edited by SMK on Monday 4th of August 2014 06:44:33 PM
Built pretty much straight out of the box, the only improvements were to blank off the vents as I didn't like the see through effect, filled in the odd shape gun sighting hole with plastic card and re-cut the correct "T" shape and added some shims top and bottom to the gun shield as it was very g...
Some of the earlier threads on got me looking at the Gun Carrier again. The drawings I found on the 'net didn't seem to fit the overall dimensions posted elsewhere. I found a couple of good side views, scaled them to the published dimensions and made some drawings. Then the simple so...
In case you haven't seen the article, the Royal British Legion, in association with, has started the following to commemorate those Empire military force members killed in WWI. The site allows the person's story to be told by you and permits the...
In the axis history forum's WW I section there is a posting that the Germans have put a lot of WW I documents, Photos and film clips online see: I hope this is interst
New catalogue from E.J. Moreton includes: Fighting Tanks by Fuller, Locker-Lampson, Uzielli, Hotblack, et al. 1st edition, 1929. £50. Men, Ideas, and Tanks by J.P. Harris 1995. Much sought after, as the price of £95 reflects. (No new info on possible reprint by original publishers) No website. Te...
I thought I knew most of them, but I don't recall this one. The first 4' 30", obviously a feature film but not one I recognise. It seems to be Somme-themed. Maybe an extract from the 1927 film? The rest of it is a mish-mash of genuine Great War stuff.
GentlemenI was just wondering if any one has discovered any more information on the Portholme tractor???? ThanksTim R. -- Edited by Tim R on Tuesday 24th of June 2014 07:28:24 PM
Did any Mk V tanks get converted to Mk V* or were they all new builds? ? I ask this because Dick Harley's reference drawing of of tank tracks states that Mk V tanks had either 201/2" tracks or 261/2" tracks, while Mk V* had only the larger size.? ? Why were Mk V built with two different sizes - were...
I don't remember seeing these before, and they don't come up in a search of the Forum. As ever, sorry if old news. Shots of M. Boirault's second attempt. They show how tantalisingly close he came to working it out. It's not a million miles from "Mother". IMHO, anyway.
A lot of photographs I have seen today of MK IV Supply Tanks show the sponsons tucked inboard for transit - some quite haphazardly. What, exactly, was involved in stowing sponsons - male / supply ones? What considerations would I have to make if modelling stowed sponsons, i.e. - what hull details wou...
I have just seen this on the 'Great War 100' facebook page and thought it deserves a place on this forum. Has anyone else got similar examples of dummy tanks?
Hi, ? as a short break from my Mark IV-project I have used the weekend to build a 3D-model of the Fahrpanzer, a mobile 53mm artillery. I based it on some low-resolution drawings I found on the net, together with photos of surviving exemplars (mostly the one in Brussels). Here's the result: ? ? ? It also ha...
I visited this Museum twice within the last few years (Sep 2011 and Dec 2013). They have an extensive artillery collection. They recently started renovating the area covering WW I, where most artillery was on display, so I have no idea what's visible right now. They also run temp exhibitions, during...
Another bit of challenging the accepted wisdom, etc. There are plenty of claims that Egypt used FTs in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948. That includes an online encyclopaedia that anyone can edit. So the next thought is: That's a bit odd. Where did they come from? Egypt was under British control to one ext...