One is the HäT kit, but with two new turrets / guns and decals for the Spanish Civil War, made by Minairons. The other is an all-new tooling by First To Fight. Regards, Pat "Hidden under the former battlefields of WWI lie hundreds of forgotten rock quarries that were transformed into underground cities beneath the trenches, sheltering armies on both sides of the Great War from mass destruction. Cloaked in darkness under private land...
Hello All, I'm back & starting on my 1/2 scale A7V. I have been reading all my books, but I wanted you, the forum to give your opinions as to the operation of our beloved 20. Which one seems to have had the least down time? who was in more combat than the rest, which A7v was the most effective overall? T...
Yesterday I started constructing the Master Box Mk 1 'Female' tank and I thought it might be of value to share some of my observations. The kit comprises some 52 grey plastic parts and includes items such as exhaust deflectors, head lamps and?the steel sheet protecting the tail?hydraulic gear (usua...
Hi fellows, after some time of absence I want to show you my new WW 1 diorama,which is nearly finished. The Thornycroft takes action with the pushing Tommys, I made especially for it. The scene plays during the retreat fights in Flanders fields in the year 1918. To build the dio it took about two weeks in...
I wonder if anyone can help me please ? my grandfather served in the north west frontier in the 1930's on india pattern armoured cars with 8th Armoured car regiment, i am looking to build an accurate representation of the vehicle he served on, does anyone know if there is a commercially available kit fo...
Hi everyone! Fresh here. I have noticed for quite a while that many MK IV and V tanks have rails. Were they a field modification? Did crews ever take them off? Thanks!
? ?Hi gentsOne of the most powerful howitzer in WWI was the Austro-Hungarian K?stenhaubitze 42 cm M 14 (M 16 / M 17). I am collecting any sort of documents on these famous guns. Here somephotos i recently found on the following sites and that may be of interest :
Hello, I recently purchased the 1/72nd ModelTrans Mark V* kit. I had to have it once I saw it was released. Here are photos of the kit nearly ready for priming. I scratch built the unditching rails, the supports, and the unditching beam. They were not included in the kit. Please note that the br...
Just a few that don't particularly fit in any category but that might be of interest: 1) Wooden fundraising tank in Scotland 2) Presentation tank, Tunbridge Wells 3) Couple of recruiting posters 4) Film poster 5) U.S. training camp? Anyone identify?
I think I meant to post these earlier but forgot. Anyway, more news about training trench layouts, one in the south and one in the north of England. One would hope that that these sites (I think we've discussed others - Sheffield? South Wales?) might be opened up as part of the centenary.
Hello, I am looking for a reference picture which can be used for my next diorama, hopefully using a new Takom or Tamiya Mark IV when they are released. Although there is plenty of artwork of male Mark IV tanks with the white and red stripes at the front ends of the horns, I am unable to find a nice wartime...
Hi all. One more time I need help from the forum. Working on the rear horns of my Emhar Mk IV I noticed that the brackets for towing hooks ( at least, I suppose they are ) are in different positions in different tanks. The following pics will explain what I mean. . The pics are of Excellent, Flirt II, Grit, Li...
Hello Gentlemen It’s been awhile, I have been looking through some old files and I came across photo’s and information regarding the "Tanque Salinas"Mexican Heavy Tank of 1917 I thought it may induce some interesting conversations. The information is translated so I am sorry if some o...
I just ran across a Murray Leinster story from 1929/1930 called "Tanks"- not great literature but an interesting tale of the War of 1932 by way of the Great War- lots of super heavy tanks, poison gas, "fog gas" and even tracked mobile machine shops. I enjoyed it, and it's availa...
The current (issue 100) of Model Military International has a review of the forthcoming Tamiya 1/35 Mark IV; they got a pre-release copy of the kit. The magazine is in your local W.H.Smiths (assuming you have a local W.H.Smiths of course) and probably other newsagents. First sight it looks good, tho...
Looking for something completely different Icame across this shot of an American? gun crew under training in anti tank work with the little French infantry gun. Does anyone know if any Beutes or even A7Vs were ever engaged in this way by the US (I already know of French successes with these guns)?
Has anyone see any reference to an official name for Little Willie? I have seen a comment about wooden mock-ups of the track units fitted to Little Willie, are there any photos?