I?ve just fpund a site were you can download free e-books (mostly WWII stuff, but also some WWI related books) Here?s: "Over There! The American Soldier in World War 1"http://knigaonline.net//BookDetails.aspx?BookName=Over%20There!%20The%20American%20Soldier%20in%20Wor...
Hello Gentleman
I am on another information hunt, this time I am looking for information concerning, gas masks used during the war, from the very early ones forward, from all countries, especially Belgium, Russia, England etc etc. Drawings, Photos any thing would be appreciate...
The first pics of my newest figure: Lewis-MG gunner 4th Batalion Canadian Machine Gun Corps, 4th Canadian Division - Paschendaele 1917 the base is still in work....-- Edited by Wollhodden at 18:56, 2009-01-04
Published 2008, Cambrai 1917 by Bryn Hammond. Blurb reads: When the British dispatched 400 tanks against the German army at the Battle of Cambrai in 1917, the result was a draw--but legend quickly declared the tank a winner following its first major role in combat. Bryn Hammond reveals that the narr...
I am brand new to WW1 modelling, although I have numerous books on the war. I have recently ordered a 1/35 scale MK IV female tank made by Emhar, having assessed their kits by building a 1/72 scale whippet. In the case of the latter the colours were given in FS numbers. It seems the base colour should be a ve...
Hi Guys, I recently placed my model kit of the Mark I on Ebay.de. It's the Firing Line Mark I in the scale 1/15. I bought it a month ago but seems to difficult for me to built. For years I'm a plastic 1/35 kit builder and tried (with succes) several figures in the scale 1/15 or 120mm.Mostly the incredible Ger...
Hello everybody, A friend of mine indicated me yesterday this fantastic website of WWI heavy equipment.I am a publisher in Paris, France (Histoire & Collections), and also an author and researcher about uniforms, organization and equipment of the French Army WWI and early WWII.I am 57 and hav...
On the HaT forum, Ironsides has drawn everyone's attention to a possible new kit from Airfix, WW1 Female Tank http://www.hannants.co.uk/search/?FULL=AX02337 It has a different product code (2337) from their WW1 Tank Mark I (1315) http://www.hannants.co.uk/search/?FULL=AX01315 And Matad...
Gentleman?? ?Hello, I have not received much response on the last two items I have been looking for, but hopefully some one will have some information on the Knox Tractor, used by France and America during the war to haul heavy loads, and artillery.? May be the third time is a charm. ? Any information wo...
Gentleman ???? I am looking for information on the La Buire semi-trailer used by the French. ?Photos would be appreciated, and I no this may be a stretch, but any drawings would be awesome.?All the BestTim R???
Hi everyone, I've been building my armo 1/35 austin-kegresse for quite some time now and its ready to be painted. The problem is that I can't quite figure what the base color was. Books such as osprey state that it was grey, but the color photos from 1939 show a light fieldgrau type color. I took black and...
Dear Gentlemen, I am about to finish a ww1 locomotive(1-35) Hudswell Hudson 060T by the way). I wonder wheter you could provide me some info about the appropiate colour (military shade?)this british loco should be painted. Any additional info about the use of this locom...
Gentleman (and women) Maybe a difficult question, I have a lots of pictures and books on the A7V subject and found out that in the short time the were active a lot of different camo patterns were used. Cab anyone tell me what the colours and/or pattern was of A7V 506 (Mephisto)?just before it was lost to t...
According to a post on the Axis History Forum German forces in East Africa had these artillery pieces amongst other which I am unfamiliar with: ?13 3.7 cm light guns,? 3 4.7 cm light guns,? 3 6 cm colonial guns, 2 old 4cm guns sent for the von Wissmantruppe 3 3,7 cm revolver guns and? 2 8,8 QF guns does anyon...
A very interesting article on pre-Etienne tank prototypes in France in this month issue of Tank Zone (n?2) with more pix of Boirault , Breton etc... designs that I ever saw. JCC -- Edited by JC Carbonel at 13:52, 2008-12-02
Usual apologies if this isn't new. While trying to find out what happened where the Italian Front met the Swiss border, came across these. A lot of trenches preserved (because they're in rock, not earth) and some museums and cemeteries. Most impressive. Nothing precise about how and where the Front...
Hi All! It seems that information about the armoured forces of Estonia, Lithaunia and Latvia is very rare. It seem some of them used Renault FTs, Mark IV, V and Medium B or C. Does anyone know more? Regards Chris
Hi there, I got a question about the Daimler Marienfelde ALZ 13/Marienwagen II. There was a discussion between Centurion and Tim R in April 22, last year.Tim R wrote: The Daimler chassis was found incapable of carrying the heavy armor. The remaining chassis were converted into Anti-Aircraft and An...
This is a 1/15 scale scratchbuilt conversion of the Verlinden MkIV into a MkV to depict it as used by the US troops in 1918. I hope you will enjoy it and thanks for visiting some more of my models at http://manu-military.e-monsite.com
Kameraden, help me please! Here is a unknown truck in service of Russian Red Cross anno 1915. What is it? I think some american truck... russian 5-ton truck Russo-Baltique T 40/65 HP?have also this look, only Russian is not so long...
First of all, I have to start by thanking one of you, but I'm not sure who... Someone posted a link to an excellent website I'd not seen before with buckets of photos of preserved AFVs.? Unfortunately I can no longer find that post!? So whoever you are - thanks very much indeed. One of the photos on the webs...