Hello all, ? This is my first post. Please delete if not acceptable. I only wish to show my support for this site, and the wealth of information therein. I can no longer see well enough to do the smaller scales, so I do 1/6 . Here is an example using information found on this site. Thank you. [IMG]https://i...
Here?s my newest 1:6 figure - A US Marine Trench Raider at Belleau Wood 1918 (posing for a photograph to his beloves at home/ or just Propaganda...? The smile wouldn?t last for long...!)
Hi all! I've had a busy (and in some respects bad) autumn - won't bore you with the details. But now I think that the light in the tunnel that I see is actual light, and not another train Anyway: I've made the first update on the site since, well, september (seems like ages ago). And it's a review, of the new R...
I have recently gotten a new breech block manufactured for my 9cm C/73.? It is based on an original and has turned out extremely well.? There is still restoration work to go but progress is being made.? This is the Link:http://www.lovettartillery.com/9cm._C_1873_Kanone.html I hope this is of int...
I found a couple of videos showing these guns in 'action'. Fantastic for getting the details of the hitches and harness etc. And just plain interesting! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzgQbUp2zRE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqPKBT6DDd8 Make sure your sound is on.
On ebay.co.uk at the moment is an unusual xmas card from Lt.Col Albert G Stern with a Mk XIII as the illustration! Item # 160303965035 by the way, I'm not the seller!
This is a conversion, from an WWII MG to an WWI model: The ammo-boxes are scratch-built More pictures: https://s142.photobucket.com/albums/r110/wollhodden/Browning-1917/-- Edited by Wollhodden at 21:21, 2008-10-02-- Edited by Wollhodden at 21:35, 2008-10-02
This file includes a short essay by Don Arp jr about a proposed AFV in America's civil war in 1862 (ten years or so after Cowan made his proposal during the Crimean War). Not sure if we have had this before (I don't understand the search engine on here). Apologies if we have.
This month's edition of Military Machines International has a couple of messages from Tim Gosling concerning an AEC Y type truck and a Liberty truck. Real ones! That have been found and are being restored. In one of them Tim appeals for information on any known whereabouts of a Tyler engine. Tim, if yo...
Things have been a bit quiet lately. I think the Forum has about 650 members and it gets lots of visitors in addition. Even the more industrious members have been quiet of late. Does this mean we have?finally explored?and explained every single aspect of "World War One Military Hardware and the...
Found this on the Strelets forum... may be of some interest... Very High Quality images with good colour........ http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/empire/gorskii.html Cheers
Hellp introducing myself I am Simon or The17Paynes and am a member of BMF & 1914-1918 Forum. I collect medals to WW1 Tank Corps and do lots of research on tanks for WW1 only. Simon
I live near Deming NM. I have been trying to find out what artillery pieces where used at Camp Cody. I have a number of the expanded shells from the area they were using as a firing range. The shells are very rusty but I think they measure 3 inches.
More than a decade ago I found a few old snapshots of WWI tanks and people in an antique mall in Davenport, Iowa.? They've finally surfaced and I have them up ion the web at: http://rockislandww1tanks.blogspot.com/ The blog fromat might not be the best, but it's an experiment.? The pictures are mostl...
I'm very happy to confirm that my site devoted to the US armor from 1917 to 1945 is now bilingual. All the pages and menus show English text for a smooth visit and further understanding. One of the few things I added is a full English article about the construction of my 1/16 scale M4 Sherman. Please, make...
Hi, sorry to bother you but I am looking for some advice, I am looking to buy a?relatively easy to build A7V kit and down here (Australia) there don't seem to be many around. ? I have, over the last couple of years built Games Workshops 40k vehicles for my sons, who are well into the game and having Mephisto...
Hello, I have just seen in this forum some commentaries from Vilkata & other good comrades on the bizarre, lovely idea of Austin & Lanchester armored cars fitted with? Killen Strait tractor running gear. Unfortunately? I could?nt open the images attached, so up to now my scratchbuilder nu...
There is nothing in my local library on Dennis Brothers Limited. From diverse websites, however, I gather that this is an N Type Dennis. I assume that it was built in the 1910s or 1920s, though it is seen here at Ferozepore Arsenal in 1937. Can anybody tell me please much about the N Type? John.