This Vickers MG is mostly a paint job with some scratch-built accessoires (Spare Parts & Tolls -Box and some details): More pics: Edited by Wollhodden at 21:22, 2008-10-02
Hi, I searching info about the (goatskin) jerkin used by the british Tommy in WW1. When was it introduced and how long it was used? If anybody got some pics...!? Thanks!
Not a topic as such,?just a bit of?shameless self publicity here. I couldn't find detailed online accounts of WWI tank actions, so I've written some. I've finished writing the first draft of narratives of all the tank actions at the Somme, Arras and 3rd Ypres. There's also lists of all the info I've ga...
I wasn't aware this had happened. The Mk V survivor made an appearance in the Lord Mayor's Parade in London last year - not under her own steam but on a low-loader, obviously with a bit of barbed wire here and there. Here's a grab from a very short clip, only 2-3 seconds. It seems she is no longer a runner.
Hi guys, Could someone speak to the quality of the book "Beutepanzer im Ersten Weltkrieg" for me?? I've got some birthday money burning a hole in my pocket and have located a reasonable copy online (which you had better not buy before I can!), and I was wondering if it was worth the money.? An...
Gentlemen, could anyone illustrate about this images picked-up in were them real ww1 subjects, or? are just funny extrapolations? tahnk You in advance, EDUARDO
My?camerad Maxim Kolomiets from Moscow wrote new book "Russian armour in?First World war" (in Russian). This is hes second book. Furst book (M. Kolomiets and M. Bariatinski) "Armoured cars of Russian army 1906-1917" was in 90. years. This is new edition, more information,...
Can any one locate and date this photo? The large hanger like building has War Thrift and Loan written on it (this was a complementary scheme to the Liberty Bonds). There appears to be a date in the lower left hand corner but I can't read it, nor can I read the writing on the lorry following the tank. Perhap...
Supposedly a park in Manchester, but no when-and-where. I'm sure someone will pin it down from the number. This might have been just around the corner from me in Heaton Park. Help much appreciated.
Most, probably all Mk IV tenders were delivered ex factory rather than being later conversions of existing tanks. The sponsons were not armoured. Was the rest of the tank fully armoured or were tenders built using mild steel (or boilerplate) - anyone know for sure? When were Mk IV tenders first deliv...
As usual, sorry if this is old hat. The device pictured is described as German mortar for firing large projectiles. I haven't seen it before, and it looks a bit flimsy to be a mortar. If it's muzzle-loading, its position makes no sense at all. Anyone recognise it? -- Edited by James H at 12:44, 2008-10-0...
I'm building one from the 9/89 Fine Scale Modeler article. I'm trying to figure out what's on the turret roof that looks like a machinery or artillery handwheel in the drawings. Thanks, Lee
Somewhat off-topic, but the pic on the right is said to be a prototype German design from 1942, allegedly constructed without any knowledge of the Treffas (left).? It seems that the Big Wheel idea dies hard.
In the very interesting discussion about the B?ssing Tractor, Centurion postet a picture of a "rather battered Deutz" (Btw, the first real photo I saw of this tractor!).Further down you can se...
From the view given in this picture there seems to be a difference in the doors, one seemingly deeper than on the other vehicle. Can anyone offer an explanation ! ? Paul
I'm happy to present the Lost Eagles Vol.2 20 aircrafts are described include scale plans and color profiles. Buy now:
A bloke is selling DVDs on Ebay, each featuring 2 WWI-related German films, at ?4.99. One is Westfront 1918 (featuring the bogus Renaults) plus Die H?lle im Westen (about Verdun/Douaumont) The other is Stosstrupp 1917 and Tannenberg. If these links work they'll take you there. http://cgi.ebay.c...
I attach three views of the tail end of the same Mk IV In the first two taken within a month of each other a thin transverse bar can be seen with a much thicker round tube (?) beneath it. There are other photos showing the same features. Thes last photo taken possibly a month or so later merely has the transve...
Hi, I need a drawing (explosion draw or 4-side drawing) of the MG 08 Lafette for antother conversion in 1/6! Can anybody help? Thanks! -- Edited by Wollhodden at 21:49, 2008-10-02
This is an CHAUCHAT -MG from the GI JOE DOUGHBOY BATTLE GEAR SET which I?ve "pimped": More pics:
"Spartakisten im Zeitungsviertel, Berlin 1919" -Diorama 1/6: (Infos: soon!) Still under construction! - I?ll set an brickwall as backround...More pics: Edited by Wollhodden at 21:21, 2008-10-02
"A Soldiers Grave" or "German Living Room Part 2": (Info will also follow!) More pics from my Album:
A 1/6 Dio of an German Living Room - August; 1914 - "The last photograph": (Info follows!) More pics: Edited by Wollhodden at 20:43, 2008-10-02