Now that they have had a look at the H?T Early French, Plastic Soldier Review say that they think the third ammunition pouch on the French webbing (the one that was worn in the small of the back) was being phased out by 1914. I've got lots of pics and illustrations of French troops with this pouch in place....
?Hi all: If you look on and search under Panzer with the selection of "neu eingestellt" (newly listed), and check each day, you'll occasionally find something like the attached, a rare shot of?a CA1 converted to recovery vehicle in the 1920s?and captured on a rail flat in 1940. It...
Greetings to all forum members, as I'm aware there is a growing number of people who lament the almost non-existant range of 1/35 Great War subjects in styrene. Except a few honorable exceptions (such as RPM's Renault FT-17 tanks and Ford-T variations or?Emhar's artillery and tanks) the meagre bag...
I have read about units mounting the 6 inch Newton mortar in the back of lorries toward the end of the war. Does anyone have any pictures of this? Thansk, Chris
Guys , I wonder if anybody can help out a fellow member of another forum for me. He is looking to identify this tank if possible, not really much to work from but maybe someone recognises the photo. Here is his post and the image. WW I Tank identification, help requested Hello Everyone, I purchased this p...
This nice diorama is apparently based on Armies in Plastic Germans. The creator claims that the FT17 is "an aquarium ornament". Never heard of that before. What an unusual choice. ? Quite an interesting site:
My auction-attending pal (the one who pointed out the Swinton plaque) has returned from a sale with a gift for me. Well, he wants the money for it, but he bought it on the assumption that I'd be interested. It's a first edition of Tanks 1914-18 by A.G. Stern, signed by him. He obviously presented it to a co...
Hello Gentleman?? I have recently ran across some interesting photos and {new to me at least}, I thought I would share them with everyone. They are from a Chinese web site doooo.? I was wondering if any one can shed some light on where they may have been taken, and when..All the BestTim R.-- Edited by Tim...
Hi fellow members, A great site you have here, with some very good topics, congrats. Being an ex-tankie my main interest is of course tanks, with a fairly recently found love of the A7V. At the moment I'm playing catch up on this subject but in time I hope to be more helpful. Best regards Eddie
As usual, apologies if this is not new, but I am surprised to learn that, for all its deficiencies in other areas, the Imperial Russian Army was better equipped with grenades than most of the other combatants. Anyone confirm/refute? This might be interesting for you. It's the first time I see it, any more information would be appreciated. Francisco -- Edited by Francisco at 20:12, 2008-09-04
I found the following piece of text written by Capt Wegner (the High Command's liason officer on the A7V committee) "The idea of an armoured and armed vehicle on caterpillar tracks to be used against the enemy was offered to the German War department by a German firm in December 1913. A Torpedo sh...
Hi, Has any of you out there got photos (which you are able to share) of 2 E Battalion Tanks being Eldorado II or Enchantress. Both were at Cambrai and both were female. I have a photo of the original Eldorado at Ypres, but would like to see it's replacement at Cambrai. Sadly there appears to be nothing in t...
Does anyone know of a book, or website online etc, where it is possible to find out where A7V's (or Beutepanzers) saw action, and which ones? I'm mostly interested as to whether the A7V's or any Mk IV Beutepanzer's?saw action anywhere near Epehy in France, where the 110th Leicestershire Brigade, 21s...
This is the inscription on the Maxim-Nordenfelt from Schnuck, confirming its Russian provenance. Have we got any members who can read Russian?
The plate is very worn and this is the best I can do with the photo. A Russian bloke told me that the first 3 letters are initials and the big word begins with t...
im reading a book and it states there were different armour plates. Standard, early rochling and early krupp. does anyone know how thick these different plates were?
I was wondering if anyone knows what color the Austin Model 1918 Armoured Cars that were used by the 17th Battalion in late 1918 were? I have seen them modeled in green and in brown with a gray top. I am sure they had the white and red id strips across the hood and the white number plates on the front from actu...
As the title says, are there many decent representations of WW1 tanks in 15mm? I know it's a wargames scale, but that doesn't excuse some of the things I've looked at. David
Hoping that one of you can provide insight into the following questions: 1 - Tankograd and other publications show staff flags on either the right or left front fender, but not both.? Which is correct? 2. - Photos of WW1 German vehicles frequently show a shield with Prussian eagle.? I have the impress...
I'm looking for photos of preserved Mark IVs.? Apart from Landships, can anyone recommend any sites? I need, in particular, close-ups of the rear part of the roof, and the area around the track tensioners on both sides of the front horns.? I have?good photos of these areas on the tank at the Aberdeen Pr...
Thanks to the kind support of my good friends Tim Rigsby & Laffetenheini, (I dedicate this?modest model to them) I could finish this aproximation to? the DAIMLER MARIENWAGEN II temporaly fitted with a?searchlight. I highly appreciate also the additional info kindly provided by MAD ZEPPELIN...
Hello Tank experten ! When did grousers come into use with the Rhomboids ??? Just to clear my befuddled head, were their use invisioned with the MkII ?? Thanks, folks.?
Does anyone have a definitive colour range for the 18pdr from start of service to end? Presumably the last ones (1945) were British Army Deep Bronze Green, while earlier ones would have been British Army Equipment Grey? ? Tony
Ok slightly post war. St Chamond produced a wheel/track light tank the St Chamond 21. (It looked a bit like a miniture Whippet with wheels added.) Now I know it was not adopted by the French but exported to Spain (who used it unsuccessfuly in Morroco) and Finland (who didn't do much with it...
I posted a message on a WWII Axis History forum about axis one-man tanks. Have you ever noticed how every one-man tank, either built or on paper, was an allied vehicle? Russia, France, England, USA! I was wondering if there had ever been an Axis one-man.
I got a reply from someone without a scanner,...
Hi everybody! Peter K here again. I've not been around for some time, mostly due to work, but also due to the fact that my PC took a dive a number of weeks ago. Actually my first real computer crash, funny as I've had ones at least since 1990, and not experienced any major hassle until now: my hard drive died...