Japan had a sizeable naval fleet in WWI, and they used it against Germanys colonies. It makes sense that they would have other modern aspects of their military. I just never really stopped to think whether they had armored cars.
I guess they did!
A unique armored car. I can't remember eve...
HelloI am tracing my Grandfathers WW1 history especially around January 1918.? His name was George Beer and at that time he was attached to the Tank Corps.? In January 1918 a?WW1-Presentation Tank, number 119 nicknamed Old Bill, toured the country, the Midlands, Nottingham, Leicester and a few ot...
Hi all new to forum, my intrest in WW1 tanks is due to me playing table top war games. What I would like to ask did the MkV all ways have a Unditching rail on them, or did remove them, and still go into battle. I have a 1/56 scale Mk V and a Whippet to paint up and have read what you say about what colour and shade th...
I found this photo. The fact that the name obviously was written on the front before the damage occured would suggest that this was the name of the tank when in France and not a name given as part of the tank bank tour. Given that the touring tanks were in Britain before Cambai and therefore the damage must...
Another staple of 19th century Future War stories were the ice-inducing artillery shells which froze an area around the impact. A nice "clean" weapon which get rid of the enemy soldiers without damaging (too much) the material. This is shown as a German Secret Weapon in Jules Verne "...
Gentlemen?? Hello, I am looking for information on the German Grossflammenwerfer, (Photo attached). I am especially interested in how it was maneuvered in the field. Any and all information will be greatly appreciated,?All the BestTim R.
An American dummy tank used for recruiting in New York August 1918. Interesting seeing as how they had had the real thing earlier in the year. The cammo scheme reminds me of a photo of a restored tank but I can't place it. I wonder if this represents the colours used in Britannia. http://www.photograph...
If you are fortunate enough to be able to receive BBC television, you might be interested to learn that the all-action archaeology series Bonekickers digs up a Great War Tank containing the remains of 6 British soldiers in the episode to be shown on August 5th. In case you think this sounds like a must-...
Some of us may remember a photo of a tank in South Wales which was 'named' Julian Junior. There was a small photo. It was said to be a dummy tank. Having located a much better version of the photo I'm not so sure about the dummy bit - it looks like a real tank with a tarpaulin over part of it. Any thoughts? http:...
came across this whilst looking for info on this mortar it includes all the hardware as well? as carts for ammo and transportation and method of carrying seperate rounds, english translation... from Combined Arms Research Library Mortier de 58 mm type 2 manual Cheers
I found this drawing on a Russian site: http://www.mk-armour.narod.ru/1996/06/Draw_26.jpg It says this is a German WWI tank called "Oberschiesien". It had three turrets.It was armed with 1 5.7 cm gun and 2 MG08 machine gun. I think it looks very modern. Does anyone know the detail abou...
A kind gentlemen in Spain has sent me this pic of a French artilleryman in the experimental reseda uniform. he seems to be wearing a cuirassier/fireman style helmet. Then this helmet appears in the mystery objects column of Militaria magazine. Is there a link between these and the helmets shown in th...
Hello Gentleman?? Now I know this is not concerning WW1. But since we all appreciate Militaria of different periods, I thought I may share this incredible model of the Dora Rail-Gun of WW2 fame. A Gentleman from the UK (Peter Shaw) has produced a 1/6th scale version of this monster, and it is simply ama...
Hey guys, In perusing the internet I've found a pair of books of interest to ourselves, one on both the Schneider and St. Chamond tanks, and the other a monography covering the T-Gewehr anti-tank rifle! First, AJ Press of Poland is releasing a book entitled "Schneider CA, St. Chamond" fro...
hello, the new book "Frontline illustration" on the french tanks IWW "Schneider" and "Sen-Shamon" has been issued recently. There are absolutely original designs checked-up by construction of 3D models and widely available sources in the book. http://www.f...
Hello Thanks everyone for your previous help.?I am?after?a good set of photos of the?limber for the 18pdr.Especially the underneath and the mountings for the harness on the shaft for the horses. Any information greatly appreciated. Regards, Terry
Hi Artillery Buffs, I have read many soldiers WW1 memoirs over the years and have often pondered over which German gun they referred to when they mentioned the 'whizz-bangs'.I finally reached the conclusion that it was the 7.7cm.,(as attd.drg).would you clued up guys agree?.
I saw the link for the 1/48 scale card model Tsar Tank. Only when I clicked on the link, it was unavailable. Does anyone have access to this link (Or to the card model offered)? Thanks so much New listee Mike W
On display are some models; one being a 60Pdr in 1/32 scale which is obviously the Scale LInk kit.?? The other is a 9.2 inch Siege Howitzer also in 1/32 scale.? I believe this kit was marketed in the early-mid 90s by a firm called "Superior" but I not certain of the name.??? As far as I know, they...
I am seeking any information regarding the British tank C49 "Cleopatra". In particular, photos would be magnificent. I have a German journal that references it during the German Spring Offensive of March 1918. That reference has it abandoneed near Maricourt and Montauban-Picardie....
Got this lovely postcard in the post this morning - this is the photo used on the ebay auction until I get my scanner working again As well as liking it because I love the old Motorcycle's, it's also interesting loo...
I am very new to the forum, but I had this idea that I am willing volunteer for, but I would need a great deal of help to carry out. Starting with British units, I would like to see if it was possible to plot out the movements and operations of WW1 tank units on Google Earth. I would also like locate assembly pl...
As usual, sorry if this is old news. Come across Museum of Military History at Mons. It seems to have a fine display of Great War ordnance & uniforms, plus a section on that very interesting organisation, the Garde Civique. Has anyone been to this museum? http://www.mons.be/default.aspx?GUID...
Hi all. I've started work on the Interus Mark V. The kit has crisper moldings than the Emhar offering however, as with typical eastern european kits, the kit is plagued with flash and the machine guns leave much to be desired. Since I'm going to have to scratchbuild the guns anyway, I was hoping to get it...
Do any of you recall a MM manufacturer from the late 80s-eary 90s called something like "Milimen, or Militant, or Milicast ??? They marketed an excellent??series of white metal 1/32 scale items to include:? Clyno Cycle & side car,? Vickers MG team, Stokes, and a GS wagon.? I suspect they ar...
Hi! I'm looking for informations about the colours of horse drawn wagons, artillery pieces, softskin vehicles and armours used by the British forces in the Middle East campaigns (Gaza, Palestine and Mesopotamia). Was it the common greenbrown (khaki) like on the Western Front or did they use a diff...