Hello fellows, Here the first pictures of a long day in the museum of war-technic ( Wehrtechnische Studiensammlung ) at Koblenz. A paradise for fans of every sort of artillery you can imagine. I ?was so astonished of the count of pieces that i took only pictures from the interesting one's in my opinion...
Flettner 's tank ???????? I found a curious mention that before designing choppers Anton Flettner had designed a ship (that I knew) and a tank ...in 1913 in Berlin. Can someone shed some light on this one ? I have various books on WW1 German tanks and I have never seen the name Flettner quoted in them... (...
Hmmm, now the 'painting' season is upon us I've decided to resurrect the modelling project, and any begininng to doubt a couple of supply tank features which may or may not be specific to 'Dodo' - i/ Whether the sponsons had a vision slit above the blanked off machine gun flap. ii/ Whether the driver's c...
I originally brought this up at a different forum, but after recieving no replies, I thought I'd bring it here aswell.
I give you two Japanese vehicles:
The "Amphibious Wheel & Track Tank Type 2":
Hello ! Well I could not locate any specific area for introductions so maybe I should begin here : I am a French modeller with a major interest in the transitionnal periods when technology came out of dreamers books to go into engineers sheds. In the case of WW1 that would cover : AFVs, Submarines, Helic...
I picked up the enclosed reference
"Mohave Museum of History and ArtsGlenn also remembered that toward the end of WWI there was a Liberty Bond drive, and the army brought in a one man tank with a 30 caliber machine gun. Andy climbed on the back and rode all over town (Kingman) much to the amuse...
I just acquired a postcard showing two wooden A7V in a field somewhere. They look like full size models. Are they early prototypes designed to show the size of the final machine? Are they wooden mock up designed to mislead enemy intelligence? Any idea? [img]http://4600n200e.com/mediac/400_0/me...
Recently I have gotten the US manual Handbook of Artillery, Including Mobile, Antiaircraft, Motor Carriage, and Trench Materiel (July 1921).? Within this manual there is a very interesting section on the US 75mm Model of 1916.? The US 75mm 1916 did not go into service in Europe in WW1.? Instead we ch...
Hello everyone, I`m a young modeller from Romania and i`m? very intrested in the FT-17. I would like to do a article in a modelling magazine ( an online one)? and i`m interested in variations and copies of the FT 17. I`m also interested in kits( mainly at 1:72 scale) featuring the tanks. So far, i know: -F...
I found that photograph of a armored truck at the Bundesarchiv. Does anybody know more about this vehicle? It was used during the Kapp-Putsch in 1920. ?
With thanks to Pete, Kristof and several others, I was lucky enough to get a rather different view of Zonnebeke at the weekend - from the front seat of a Stampe SV.4 biplane. The Stampe SV.4 is a 1930's design, but most were built in the late 1940's. Although not a WW1 aircraft, it does however have a stron...
Here's the first part of my photos from a brilliant weekend, going to be a very large thread i'm afraid as took over 300 photos [img]http://img236.imageshac...
King and Country has put out their first WW1 armored car. It is labeled BUSSING-EBERHARDT early war version...The problem is that I and others can find no verification of this vehicle...You folks are the best and I ask for help...Will try to attach a photo, but if I cannot, maybe someone can access the...
Test shots are on the website. ? http://www.hat.com/Curr2/Bx8199JA/Bx8199JA.html http://www.hat.com/Curr2/Bx8200GI/Bx8200GI.html One or two of the poses are a bit gawky but they look OK. They've come up on the rails while we're still waiting for the 75, limber, etc.
Strelets have put a pic of the Infantry in Summer Uniform on the site. Unfortunately, they don't look as if they're to the highest standard. I think some are wearing the Adrian, but it's not a very good job. And there's what looks like a Lewis, which I'm not sure about although I stand to be corrected. Hav...
Gentleman?? Hello, I am in need of a very good drawing of the St. Chamond. The drawings I have do not have good detail, especially the track system. Any scale is fine, but 1/35 is preferred. I would greatly appreciate any help. All the Best Tim R-- Edited by Tim R at 17:37, 2008-06-03
Don't know if any of you chaps can help me out on this one, but i've seen on one website (which I now can't find, bit of a pain as if they were worn I want them!) brass MT shoulder titles for sale, which stands for either Mechanical or Motor Transport. Would these have been worn by those in the ASC associated w...
Hello everybody, I?ve got some questions about the Maxim MG in british service. Was the british Maxims in use in 1916? Can anyone give info about tripods/mounts?: What about the water-cooling equipmen...
Hello Gentlemen??? The third one is about ?the Italian FIAT Revelli Model 1914 machine gun.??All the BestTim R. http://www.smallarmsreview.com/pdf/Fiat.pdf ? The site also has a few other pdfs?one may be interested in as well, check it out!!!!!http://www.smallarmsreview.com
Hi! I'm trying to built a Fiat Izorski used by the Finns in the twenties, but I just notice there were at las to main models : One with simple circular turrets and another one with smaller truncated ones. Other differences could be noticed (rear suspension, side hull cutting, hatches etc. Does anybody...
Dear all, I am currently building three 210mm heavy mortars in 1/35. I bought the Verlinden kits in resin. - Please don't yell - The plan is to use this models to field them in games of Warhammer 40'000, to represent equivalent artillery models. What I would like to to, is to have 3 complete artillery sit...
Hi everyone
Does anyone have any information about the allocation of the "flying pig" mortars. I have read that it was one battery of four mortars per division but I don't think that is correct? Can anyone through some light on the level at which this weapon was deployed.
does anyone out there know where I can get a couple of the airfix 1/72 kits of the world war 1 mark 1 tank,I am willing to pay a fair price and shipping preferably in the states,please contact me at znwood2000@hotmail.com thanks-zack wood
hello to all recent passion of the ww1,i just signed on this great forum. Thank you for welcoming me and please? forgive? my bad english. I live in France, i'am a modeller for 20 years and am about to mount a fiat izorski. David.