I know Rob likes his WWI motorbikes. Here are a couple in Belgian service, one in the dunes, by the look of it, sometime after the Yser. The other is no longer fit for purpose as the rueful rider examines it after it has been hit by a shell.
The caption to this pic reads Italian Alpini and Swiss Troops in Direct Contact at the (national) Border. A delightful, pastoral scene with no one particularly vigilant. Don't know if this is where the Italian Front ended. The wire-netting barrier at the Swiss End of the Western Front looks like a fo...
Hi everyone!???? ?? ? would anyone perhaps have a detailed veiw of the A7V's treads and suspension.? I'm going to scratchbuild one and it is hard to make out the construction conponents of the tread segments and the the way the road wheels are attached to the suspension.? ? Any pictures or Plans will he...
This is a map of an alleged plan to attack Germany through Switzerland in, I think, 1918, with support from the Italians in the south. Obviously, it never happened. Since we eventually established where the Western Front met the Swiss border, does anyone know what happened where the Italian Front di...
I am working on some tank ramps that were to be used in the Belgian coast invasion of?1917 that never happened and am having a tough time with how they were attached to the MkIVs. From the one picture I have of it, it looks like it attached to the nose some how. Any ideas or pictures? Thanks, Chris -- Edited b...
Hello Gentleman??? I am searching for information on this truck (Photos) built by the Austrian firm W.A.F. = Wiener Automobil Fabrik.? This is all the information I have. (Below) Any help would be gratefully appreciated.? All the Best Tim R ?W.A.F. = Wiener Automobil Fabrik.?W.A.F. truck of the Au...
? ?Hello all, ? ?I am trying to research the 60 pounder field gun, with a view to eventually building a 1/32nd scale model in brass. Does anyone know where I can get a set of drawings for this gun? regards Martin
Hello again, I happened across this as well.? Coast Artillery Journal from 1922-1948, online.? This one does not appear to be searchable on this website, but you can do an "advanced" google search of it by limiting the search to its domain - like this. Note that "Coast Artillery Jour...
This one was apiant to built because the turpentive I used for the washes solved the superglue that was supposed to hold the tracks :( Some repair work, but I am pleased with the overall result.
Hello, I just came across this website and thought I'd pass it on (Real Military Flix). They have some very fascinating film footage taken during WWI (and later). Many shots of tanks, artillery, planes, balloons, trains and etc. Enjoy, and as always, let us know if you spot something of particular in...
I'm grateful to a bloke on the H?T Forum for jogging my memory about this. I remember reading something in, perhaps, one of Ian Hogg's books about Maoris using earthworks during the Maori War of the 1860s. Trench warfare in the Great War sense is usually said to have its origins in the American Civil War...
Hello :) I begin the construction {build} of the model FT17 (fullrersin , 1:15 scale). I have quite a lot plans {schedules} and removals {photoes} . Unfortunately nowhere I can find removals {photoes} of the open manhole on the tower . I do not know how {as} this looks :( . Has somebody from You such mate...
Dear All According to John Glanfield: "As an alternative to wire roof covers Symes produces cladding in 4mm and 6mm soft plate as a second skin. Twenty five sets produced and all but two shipped to France but never fitted." (Devils Chariots.p137) The secondary plating necessitated fitt...
Hello, I've been trying to gather as much information as I can on the M1916 37mm Infantry Gun.? Particularly I'm looking for plans, photos, and dimensions for use in constructing a full-size replica for a nearby living-history museum.? I'm familiar with the excellent article on Landships here.? I...
Hello, I just came across this fascinating resource and thought I'd pass it on to those who aren't yet aware of it.? "Field Artillery Magazine" is available online here.? They have back issues all of the way back to 1911 that are fully searchable online.? Many articles are illustrated wit...
Posted here are photos from my modest aproximation to a WW1 DAIMLER FLAK/BAK TRUCK. Thanks to our great chap LAFETTENHEINI, I could build my modest model.
I greatly appreciate his kind assistance.
Tim Rigsby mentioned the great collection of truck photos on http://www.chrishodgetrucks.com/There you can find a fantastic photo of a D?rkopp Artillerie Zugwagen. The same vehicle can be seen in the...
Perhaps the final piece of the jigsaw. In an earlier thread, I quoted A.J. Smithers as saying two slightly conflicting things about the choice of the Madsen for the Mk I. ? First he said that it was?tested alongside the Hotchkiss, etc., at the trials of Mother in December 1915, but later, when writing a...
Hadn't heard of this magazine before. The December 2007 issue front cover carries what looks like a colour pic of a St. Chamond 1st Pattern. Anyone know if this is gen (perhaps one of Albert Kahn's), a reenactment, or just a hand-coloured black-and-white?
I really enjoyed the great photo gallery posted by Phil in another thread on this topic.? I wondered if?anyone knows the serial numbers of the Mark I tanks sent to Gaza? Dave
Gentleman?? Does any body recognize what this vehicle is, of course I no most of you have seen this photo before, but I am not sure it is labeled correctly. (Ehrhardt)?It is from Chris Reeds great collection of truck photos.?But my question is, what type of vehicle is this, and for what purpose was it bu...
It's a long time since we had all that activity about Bulgaria. This site gives details of artillery in Bulgarian service at the outbreak, with plenty of pics including some Turkish. There are a few types I've not come across before -?the Schneider-Canet, for example. The site is in English. http://...
Gentlemen, a very notable subject associated with a little question.Recently I bought a DVD with a very old (1930) but good German movie called Westfront 1918, made by a director called G.W. Pabst. Its a very impressing film, trapped by a poor sound-quality but so much better is the equipment. The fi...
The AWM have uploaded some more photos (photo nos. are P03613.004, P03613.005, P03613.006, P03613.007, P03613.008, and P03613.009) including some of the Mk I and IV tanks at Gaza undergoing maintenance. There is a photo (No. P03613.006) which appears to show "Pincher" or "Otaz...
Could anyone refer me to drawings and interior details of the two RNAS Rolls Royce armoured cars developed by Cdr Samson for use in Belgem in 1914?? Can't afford the Britains' one and think it would be fun to try and make my own! Thanks in advance . . . Al