Hallo friends! I just had a day off and I went to the museum and took some pictures for you. Here are just some of the picks, but in the following days I?ll post walkarounds in following posts I?ll send. Here is a good pick of 305 and the carriage (the carriage, I don?t remember if I had seen it before (sorr...
As time passes, we all get older ... and many of us have some pretty rare and valuable books, etc. My experience is that my kids have different interests and I would hate to see my collection be throw out or auctioned off via an estate sale.
So ... what to do? How do you go about figuring out w...
Here goes the carriage of Skoda 305mm
I took photos of German 7.7, Russian 122, Italian 149, Italian 75, Skoda 305 and something else but I am not sure what it is. There are several more guns, but I can not approach those for now. There is a reconstruction going on, but I hope that the photos wou...
Hello all :)
It pretended to Mark several things V thanks you me to afford --- soon the end of building ... Hulk how to be visible partly it is finished - several the most difficult details became -.
The whole upper part of model will be cast from resin ...
..I think that in fortnights you will see fin...
Sometimes you see reproductions of WWI propaganda posters, and I had always wanted some quality copies.
"Art's Not Dead" is a really good reproducer that offers their posters in full size paper, or canvas. They have a fair selection, and while a...
Years ago when I was building a Mk V* the pictures I was using showed a tank with asymmetric unditching rails ( a kink in one side not replicated on the other). I always wonderd if this was a one off. Today I find a photo (not Mk V* this time) of another tank with the same irregularity. Anyone got any ex...
The subject of the use of correct colours has recently surfaced in several threads. As this is a topic I've seen repeated in relation to both model soldiers and WW1 model aircraft I've dug out and slightly revised an old item I did on this subject. If this proves to be 'teaching grandmothers to suck eggs...
If you want to model a thrown track on a Mk IV, you probably need to come up with a drive sprocket, idler and rollers. One idea for the running gear is to kidnap it from Airfix's Churchill tank in 1/76. The sprocket is easy to convert to an idler simply by grinding the teeth off and detailing and just d...
Some time ago I saw an article, with photo, about a WW II Home Guard unit that renovated a WW1 tank (possibly one of those distributed as a form of memorial to many town centres in 1919) and 'scrounged' some old 6 pounders from the Navy and put it into service guarding ( I think) some dockyards. This...
Just want to let all you guys on the Forum know, that I will not be very active during the next couple of months. (The reason is that I'm starting a new job.) But I am still committed to the site and the Forum - don't worry about that. But the update rate will slow down, and you will not see me as much as be...
What the hell is that?
My friend is asking about it, and insists that several WWI French 75mm Schneiders were updated post war with pneumatic wheels and split trails, even in Poland. I know about pneumatic wheels for motorised traction for 75, but what was that split-trail? I think my friend i...
The Filatov looks like an armoured version of the old Reliant Regal Supervan (better known to many British TV viewers as a Trottermobile*) However moving away from the anachronism it certainly seems odd - a three wheel armoured car. Apparently some 30 -31 were built about 1915-16, ten with two mg, 20...
I finally found a good copy of "A Company, 301st Tank Battalion ~ Treat'em Rough". The photos are pretty interesting, and I'll get down to scanning what I can over the next few weeks. There's a picture of both sides of a ditched Mk.V Hermaphrodite which is pretty interesting.
Since Treadhead was so kind as to extend the group build deadline, I've decided to use the 1/76 Airfix kit (with Mk.I parts from Matador) to do Mother, exploiting the kit's boilermaker rivet pitch. The model will depict her as seen at the Elveden training ground in June 1916, after her 6-...
Evening gentlemen,
Just curious of what information any of you might have and be willing to share about the Flying Elephant? Any specifications and diagrams, or indeed pictures of any models would be particually appreciated.
I restarted an interesting topic that got forgotten...
It is about an American WW1 Tank that weighted 1500 ton, and supposedly photos of parts or the hull exist.
Tim, please if you don't mind and it's possible, share some pics you have. I'm completly mesmerized by the thought of this giant tank!
Just when the world seemed safe from pinhole photography, there's DIGITAL PINHOLE!
After all that stuff about paper negatives and such, there's hope for digital camera owners as well. If you have a digital camera but no macro lens to do model shots, there's hope.
A friend of mine has been mak...
Okay. Back on terra firma.
This is just for fun:
Have any of you tried pinhole camera shots of your models? I've been playing around with a homemade camera in another context, and it has some possibilities.
The main thing is that a pinhole has an infinite depth of field. No focussing requi...
As I'm digging into this I thought it needed its own thread. Information so far. 1.Bianchi built a number of models of armoured cars, one distinctive feature of these was the bonnet (hood) was rounded and sloped. See the attached picture (comp). The car on the left is an Isotta Fraschini of 1911, the on...
I've being trying, vainly, to find some illustration that shows the layout of Tritton's second trench tractor design. I have found some descriptive detail (size of wheels, length width, T shaped front, two driver positions, two machine guns etc etc.) I've used this to try an construct an imp...
We are all aware of the Germans using the Mk IVs and Russian IGs but did anyone else use captured vehicles or guns in any sort of quantity? Thought they would make good ideas for modeling or wargaming.
Hello, all. Is there an especially good book on the Spartacist uprising and the Freikorps? the more photos the better. English is a plus, but not essential if the photos are abundant.
Thanks in advance,
"Where To Find", OK??
I've been very impressed with "bigtank's" efforts on building large scale WWI armour. Incredible work!
Where can you find accurate large scale drawings of the British Heavy Mark Series?
Most of what I've come across over time has been i...
I've seen framed sets of these (presumably reproductions) for sale on Portobello Road market in London, but never been able to find any reference to them elsewhere. There are one or two items which aren't especially familiar.