I found this information: "1918-09 le Verguier, France Dummy tanks used successfully by the 4th Australian Division in the attack on le Verguier in 1918-09. These tanks (10 in number) were made by the 4th Field Company Australian Engineers entirely of wood & canvas. They were camouflage painted & e...
Hi, I need some information about these vehicles, which were built by C. L. Best Tractor Company:
The Best 75
The Best 75 Tracklayer (or CLB 75)
I know only this:
The Best 75 was built early 1917 and had wire-cutter and just one steel wheel (right side of the picture)
CLB 75 - built in 1916. It...
When digging around trying to find details of the 150 ton field monitor I came across two seperate items that tickled my curiosity
"In 1916, the plans for the US 1500 ton Landship had it being modular. The hull, Twin gun turret(two 6 inch naval howitzers), Drive Train/tracks(Each track was t...
Centurion's doing a sterling job of compiling a list (and gallery) of armoured cars that might have been - near misses, if you like.
I thought it might be fun to have the far misses, designs that didn't stand a chance.
Culled from the wacky world of the patent office, I give you John Carvalho Lobato'...
I found this photo of an Uberlandwagen fitted with two artillery pieces on swiveling platforms. Was this a one off or was the A7V not the only German tracked combat machine to see service?
Presuambly it also exterminated (but couldn't go upstairs) -- Edited by Centurion at 13:12, 2006-04-07-- Edited by Centurion at 15:40, 2006-04-07
Is anyone out there willing to comment on what is going on in the attached photo? My first impression was that this gun is way too heavy for it to be lifted this way. Anyway, I would appreciate it if the vehicles could be identified also.
I just recieved the maquette 1/35 Russian cavalry 1/35
and it is real shame, the box art shows a WWI russian cavalry officer, while the kit gives you generic, poorly molded horses and cavalry men that lack all the specific characteristics of WWI cavalry, the kit doesnt even have lances!
I've come across details of what purports to be a heavy German Armoured car dating from 1921. I thought they were not allowed such vehicles at this time. The beast is twin turreted and the designation given is
Gepanzerter Kraftwagen (sd.kfz 3) Schupo- Sonderwagen 1921. My German is pretty non exis...
These are all from Fred Crismon's book.
First, as promised, the Ford 3-Man. This is a side-on view, whereas the shot in World Encyclopedia of the Tank https://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f209/a7v/3Man.jpg
Hi guys!
I got this request from Milan Vins (Tracks & Troops), and as I am on the road right now, I hope that someone in this forum can help him. The idea of making Photo-Etched tracks for WW1 kits is simply too good to miss!
You can contact Milan - who is a great guy - at milan.vins@tracks-n-troops...
Hi all,
I am trying to trace details of the elevating gear as mounted to the 1877 155mm french artillery gun. Several people have sent detailed photographs, but as with the ones on our site they don't show how it was constructed. On our site there is a plan veiw of the elevating gear as a pdf file link. Ho...
ICM which showed promise of releasing a wave of 1/35 WWI soldiers and maybe artillery
has decided to move into the ww2 market, and their new 2006 catalog, is mostly ww2 stuff no new WWI kits from them
In an earlier thread I baldly stated that the US army went into battle with Mk V* heavies and only used Mk Vs for training etc. I was wrong . Yes the Mk V* was used exclusivly in the majority of heavy tank actions but in the very last battle some Mk Vs were used. I shall have a quick penitent scourge.
Howdy my fellow compatriot's,
Being a self-confessed addict of anything variant, I came across this rather grainy photo of what looks like a Model A SnoCat...and apparently it's an ambulance to boot!....Can anyone shine an identifying light on this one for us?...or has this p...
For the second time the landships "on this day in wwi" mentions a mysterious heavy gun bombarding paris
what is this gun?
any photos/info would be appreciated -- Edited by eugene at 02:30, 2006-03-30
Reading an account by Lt Spremberg - commander of 5th co (52nd Infantry Regiment) - an tank killing squad- who was heavily involved at Cambrai. He recounts his unit facing some 30 Mk IVs coming from the direction of Bapaume and being, to put it mildly, in some trouble when "Suddenly (at 4:30), be...
Hi all,
For those interested, I came across this picture in a local Sunday paper celebrating it's centenary. My apologoes for the quality of the scan...
Also, the Whippet featured in this e-book is the SA one....
hope this dosen't go over a topic already covered. I was wondering were the rails mounted on the top of british tanks a standard issue item right off the assembly line or were these a field modification if so how common were they ,any info on these would be helpful,thanks
I'm looking for large scale drawings of the Belgian Minerva Armoured Car, circa 1914, preferably in 1/32nd scale. Can anyone suggest a suitable model car kit to work off of?
Kerry Brunner
Howdy All,
Was just curious about something, and thought I'd make an attempt at plumbing the superb expertise available here if you don't mind...
There have been several potential projects I have 'waved-on' because one of the main ingredients has been the Holt, or agricultural-style, tr...
A Big "Howdy!" to ALL.....
Just in case you've all already forgotten my name, this is Tread, or ' treader's' speaking to you.....yeah that's right, I'm 'back on the block'.
As the thread title says, I apologise for suddenly up and leaving the Forum here, as well as all of you fine peopl...
Is there an illustration of the markings carried by Musical Box on its romp thru German rear areas? In the absence of artwork or verbal descriptions, would it be reasonable to assume RAC flashes on the front of the track frames and upper bow plate and the name below the bow flash? Would it have carried ot...
Can anyone suggest a reference source for the uniforms used by the Uhlan regiments in 1914 Belgium? I've been reading a few books on early armoured cars, and Uhlans show up a lot. It would make for a great diorama to have a Minerva parked next to an "unhorsed" Uhlan sitting by the side of the...