Hi guys!
A work assignment abroad took an unexpected turn - all to the best, mind you! - and I have been both very, very busy and very, very not-home. But now this fine but VERY taxing period is at an end, and I'm home at last!
I'm sorry about not answering any e-mail or updating th...
Dear comrades of cyber trenches
Some months ago, I had asked a question about Ottoman artillery and received an awesomely detailed and complete response. Now I need to consult to your great knowledge once more.
1) While googling for krupp guns of 19th century, I saw a gravure from 18...
I am curious about the paint scheme shown on the Landships site for the Erhardt E-V/4. The illustration shows a three-colour pattern that I have not seen before. Does anyone know the origin of the illustration and how accurate it may be? Would this same scheme be appropria...
I have read that some Mk III males were fitted with the short 6 pounder as fitted to Mk IV males onwards. However, the only photos I have seen show the long 6 pounder as fitted to the Mk I. Does anyone have a photo of a Mk III with the short 6 pounder?
Hello everyone,
I am on building a gun carrier (supply version) and want to do "KINGSTON". The only picture I have doesn't show the serial number. I use the decal sheet of Landship and Peter said that he also doesn't know the number. As I want to add a number and as the number are from 100 to 147 (AFAIK)...
Hello! I'm looking for photographs showing the Mk IV tank "Flying Fox II" (F 22 ?) resting on the remnants of the collapsed bridge at Masni?res near Cambrai.
Any help is much appreciated! Thomas
Here you are, huhncc.
These are the pics from Mollo & Turner's book Army Uniforms of World War 1.https://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f209/a7v/Belgian1.jpg (left...
Hello, colleagues! Can, at this forum somebody can help me. For a long time and unsuccessfully I search for drawings, schemes or figures on following artillery tractors: "Bullock-Lombard" and "Allis-Chalmers." (On the basis of these tractors during Civil war in Russia 1917-1920 unusual "tanks...
The reference to The Somme - Crucible of the British Army on the subject of artillerymen's underwear made me get the book out for the first time in years, and, to my surprise, there's a picture of German weapons captured on July 1st: MG08, Russian Maxim, LMW, and . . . a Madsen.
Hi all Although mainly a WWI railway enthusiast I have some books on other WWI topics. In one of them I have found this photo of what seems to be a Renault Porteur. It is not in the artillery section of Landships.
Hello all Great War-specialists I'm currently researching the possibility to build some 1:35 French Pechot-railway wagons loaded with 370 mm. shells. I will have the shells cast for me in resin and need some information on their measurements. I have some information at the moment, but woul...
Does anyone have a source for information for the Minerva chassis etc. used for the 1914 Armoured Car? I do have a set of 1/76 scale plans from Tankette, but need additional information on the actual car used.
I enclose a photo of the Marienwagen II. The body is supposed to have been taken from an Ehrhardt armoured car but its simple flat sides do not match either the Ehrhardt 15 or the 17. Any one have an answer?
In 1914 the Armoured Car Corp was formed in New York, in November of that Year it announced that it would build a vehicle, based on a Federal truck chasis, 'to replace the cavalry on the modern battlefield'. One suspects they had an eye on a European market. I can find no evidence that the vehicle w...
I noticed in one of the excellent models pictured on this site a British gun crew with blue "under shirts". Was this standard? I will be modeling some 18prds soon that have crews with what looks like undershirts on and suspenders down. I think the blue would add some color and character.
Many of us will have seen accounts of the first Germans to encounter British tanks and their reactions. I recently came across an eye witness description of the first British encounter with British tanks. (If this has a[ppeared in one of the books, such as the Tanks at Flers - my apologies - I hav...
I returned from a trip to St. Petersburg, Russia last week. If anyone is interested, I took photos of some of the outside exhibits, including the one attached, described as an Armstrong 127mm cannon.
Has anyone had a chance to look at the 1/25 scale "Modelik" Mark V Male paper card model? Is it accurate in outline?
It might be fun to blow it up on a copier to 1/16th and transfer it to sheet plastic ...
Comments from those who know???
Among the various odds and ends I perused on a visit to the archives at the Bovington Tank Museum recently was the attached oddity (or set of oddities, mostly attached so as not to cause problems for those with dialup). A set of drawings was dropped off one day with David Fletcher, with very little expla...
I was just cruising google, inputing different image searches and sifting through the results. I am sure you guys have seen a lot of this, but I found it very interesting.
Polish site:
Bottom of the page, there is a really str...
I know the British, Portuguese and US. The French had their on version. Did the Italians or any one else use it?
BTW - I want to thank everyone who has responded to my silly little questions. This group is fantastic!
I've found an interesting picture so I'll post it here. I don't know what is it.. I would appreciate if someone could translate the text (I don't even know which language is it). This picture was under Patton's quote about "Moving fort and trench destroyer" (quote is already on this forum).
Howdy Fellas
As the topic title says, I would like to ask permission from the group if we could extend the finish date of the 1st official GROUP BUILD here at Landships.
As some of you know, I am the guilty party who started this whole thing and have been wholly impressed by the efforts of th...