To all comrades:
Wanted plans -3 view- dimensional data or useful pics from Daimler M17 ARTILLERIEZUGWAGEN
Thank you in advance,
EDUARDO MAMORETTIuDAustrAustro-Daimler Artilleriezugwagen M.17 o-Daimler Artillerdaimelr iezugwagen M.17 stro-Daimler Artilleriezug...
I just received an email from Cri-el directing me to their new releases, which include the Lancia IZM armoured car, Lancia 3Ro heavy truck, and 4 new Italian WW1 figures, including an officer armed with a pistol. The other 3 have rifles (their first batch mainly had more carbines than rifles). This br...
Does anyone have info on markings of US heavies in WWI? The few photos I can find show a flash on the front horns, which I would take to be red-white-blue in lieu of the British White-red-white. Is this correct? If so, in what order, front-to-rear? Any unit marklings, like the British company letter fol...
Looking at this photo is something wrong or is it just my failing eyesight? The proportions look wrong. Either the soldiers are too big or the tank is too small?
I assume we all have our own reasons for being interested in The Great War. My interest began through talking to my great-uncle, who was taken prisoner near St. Quentin in March 1918, 88 years ago today, as it happens.
We know that very few of those who took part are still with us. This is the news of the d...
Hi folks!
What weapons would you like to see in the WWI French Infantry Heavy Weapons 1/72 set? I'd be grateful for the links to the photos or drawings.
As known, Russians used armjred tractors in Civil War.
Can anybody help to found the scale drawings of usual tractors: Bullock-Lombard, Allis-Chalmers, Clayton, Ruston?
"American Cleve S. Shaffer, who built early orchard tractors, sold out to Fageol and designed an armored version, fitted with machine guns which he offered to the German Consul in San Francisco in 1915"
Does any one know anything about this? An Orchard tractor (for those unaware) was apparently d...
I recently came across this snippet
"........the first military 'tank', developed privately by a Mr. Morris. The army had a good look at the Pedrail armoured vehicle but due to it's low speed it was considered useless for modern, highly mobile, warfare by the military authorities at the ti...
The foowing is on e bay. But is all as it should be 505 was Baden I. but why would the number be on the inside of the door? (An aid to absent minded crew members as to which tank they wee in?). Blowing up the picture the machine gun looks fake - there is no way it can elevate or depress. The figure closest t...
Can Anyone help,
I have almost completed the 155L gun model in 1 3/4" scale however am unable to complete due to the lack of the elevating details for the barrel. On our own Landships site we have listed under the 120l jpeg files listed for the elevating gear. Only one of these will open which g...
Hello friends-
In Mr. Rigby's article on the Steam Wheel tank, there are three sets of plan views
about the middle of the page that don't seem to be referenced (at least not directly) in
the text. I think I recognize the first as the Pedrail Landsh...
Hello All
I was wondering if Matador Models has a distributor here in the states,also after getting my hands on a couple of the Airfix Mark 1 I was wondering if anyone has any idea how to attatch those awful tracks,thanks -zack wood
On German ebay is what appears to be a rare German book, 'Die Deutschen Kampfwagen im Weltkriege' by Major Ernst Volckheim, published 1937.
There are some interesting photos of the cover and some pages (note, among other things, the K-Wagen model, and the A7V transporter):
A 3 star tank (ensuit in every sponson, cable magic lantern etc.) Well actually this is an attempt to give an impression of what the Mk V*** would have looked like based on the wooden mock up. Note the commander's turret seems to have been deleted from the design but the driver's cab it larger so p...
Germany colonised the 552 square kilometer area of Kiautschou Bay in China in 1898. This followed by them leasing the area from China for 99 years. The Germans used Kiautschou Bay as a naval base, stationing the German East Asiatic Squadron there, consisting of the flagship of the group, the SMS Scha...
Have a look at this web site
I attach one of the photos included (Thameslink obviously used this as a model for the Bedford line) The web site has a lot of coloured photos, and colourised shots (some done v well and some v badly).
Did someone enquire a while ago about pictures of the Ford 3-man Tank?
Sorry if this is old ground, but I came across a picture in a book (the name of which I've forgotten - it's getting worse) the other day.
It looks like the 2-man with a pillar-box on the top, and is described in the caption as "tactic...
Just got hold of these and they are pretty good, but the plastic is very unusual - almost like rubber. Has anyone had a go at painting them and found any difficulty?
I greet all :)
I began however the party from model Mark of V - here first effects - the Model is difficult very and I think that I will be him long he did :{ ...It will be built from cardboard - this black ,then the put on superstructure - the details be casts from resin - the cannon , protection , basis of can...
A few months ago I posted some photos from ebay showing a large mystery artillery piece. It seemed to be a Schneider design (per Roger's careful analysis), and one person suggested it was a French 240mm howitzer. Later, I found another ebay photo of what looks like the same gun; this phot...
Digging around may storage boxes I unearthed a very simple white metal kit of a Whippet. I acquired it so long ago that I have no recollection of it and it is probably a quarter of a century old. The box is plain cardboard with WWI 100 Whippet wrtiien on it - nothing else - no makers ID or name - nothing...