Looking at the varius photos of damaged and wrecked tanks at Gaza I am finding difficulty in reconciling the records with the photos. The records suggest that only 3 tanks were unrecoverable/unrepairable after 2nd Gaza and none were completely KOd in 3rd Gaza. I enclose a montage that shows what see...
If anyone is interested panzer46.com has some very good pictures of the upcoming set of WW1 french from pegasus in 1/72 scale. I have several of their WW2 sets and for the most part they are very well done figures
I attach a photo of a dummy tank - but note a dummy specifically intended to represent a Mk I (note the wooden tail wheels) and not a British (or Australian) dummy as deployed on the Western front. I found the photo on a Russian web site so this might be Eastern front. It appears to be on some form of makeship...
A new free paper model is available for the AC builders. At http://www.allfrompaper.narod.ru/, there is now a model of the Mgebrov-White available for download. Click on the button labelled "модели" to get to the model section. The Mgebrov-Reno is also s...
Well maybe they're not really new, but I've never seen them before.
CGM Adrian has a Pierce Arrow 2 ton truck, 3 different Berliet trucks (Sanitaire, CBA, and CBD 'La Voie Sacree'), 2 French driving figures and 1 French officer walking, and a US Nash Quad truck forthcoming.
All in resin, no co...
I was bored and surfing t'internet, when I found great news for all WW1 superheavy artillery fans! Coming soon from Retrokit...
B.L.15in Siege Howitzer, 1915, Kit R72023This super-heavy weapon was produced by the Coventry Ordnance Works for the Admira...
I found the attached image in an old German WWI book. To me it looks like the barrel of a large "kanone" (maybe about 20cm?) being installed into its firing carriage. The carriage looks very similar to that used in the "Big Bertha" 42cm heavy mortar. The caption seems to indicate th...
Hello Guys
I am looking for a comprehensive list of tank names used by the British on there tanks per each company, If any one can help I would be very greateful.
All the Best
Tim R
A quick general question here: When a Mk. I - V type tank threw a track, other than in battle conditions, were the crew able to effect repairs themselves or did this stop a tank until a repair crew could get to it? I know of the case of the crew of "Lusitania" obtaining a replacement mag...
It looks like Strelets WW1-effort will be all cavalry! As far as I can see, they have started work on several sets of German WW1 Cavalry and several sets of Russian WW1 Cavalry, and one could very be Austro-Hungarian Cavalry.
Does anyone know what the appropiate colour for painting a 194 mm Grand puissance Filloux SP GUN would be? I basically agree with Mr. Kempf in the fact that no photos of this SP exist but those with the gun sporting a single colour, I guess it would be LIGHT GRAY or some h...
Greetings all,
I'm new to the WWI scene, and admittedly I won't be using this set of figures for a WWI scene per se... but has anyone any experience with the ICM figure set "British Infantry (1917-1918)"? Opinions?
I wrote this paper for my history class. You all know how interested I am in Edwin Wheelock and the Skeleton Tank, and I decided it was high time I assembled every shred of information I have ever come across into a coherent chronological paper.
Included, just for completions sake, are the current...
Hello everyone,
I just got a small packet from Cromwell with the following kits :
Mark V*
Tank LK II
Fiat 3000
These are incredible models, very well done. however, there are some minus :
LK II : the interior of the track assembly part is completely filled of resin. I guess tha...
Ok guys here is 3 intriguing question.
1.Does any one have a census of how many Mk?s of every type was produced, how many were male and how many were female,also how many were converted into wireless, transport etc
2. Are there any records concerning how many Gun Carri...
I've made a stab at an impression of the proposed St Chamond rhomboid tank based on the original outline drawing. Note the asymetric sponsons. Would make an interesting model, however warning the curve of the rhomboid is subtly different from the British Marks I to V so you can't just take an existing...
According to various manufacturers of 1/72 figures we can expect 2 lots of Americans, 5 of French infantry and/or artillery, 1 of Germans, and 1 of Italians in the near future.
In addition, Stelets seem to be on the brink of releasing what looks like German cavalry and another five sets of WW1...
I've recently gotten into WW1 bayonet collecting, and have been relatively succesful in getting examples in moderately good shape. Some countries are much harder to aquire specimens from than others though, and Ottoman bayonets have the added problem of widespread "shortening" during the thir...
Howdy All,
I was traipsing thru some of the 'old' threads in an effort to view some of the older discussions you chaps had here so I don't wind up maybe rehashing old yakkety-yaks, and came across a thread entitled something like "WWI modeling 'tipping point' ".
It was a great read indeed, and I en...
I enclose two pictures, both were originally taken and published in Sept 1916 and both are supposed to be Creme De Menthe - but they are obviously two different tanks. The male is shown on the Bovingdon web site as Creme and the Female comes from the US Library of Congress. I have a sintilla of doub...
Spotted the enclosed shot in a book this Tuesday. It looks like a MkI Female at Flers (or vicinity) with "the British Army cheering behind" but it isn't Creme de Menth or Dinaken (wrong sex) and that doesn't look like a high street. Just to add confusion and muddle looking at it through my best mag...
Hi all, is there anyone in here who could possibly help me, I've tried searching the internet but can't seem to find any decent picitures of the early mk1-5 8inch British howitzer. Hope someone can help.
I enclose a link to an article written by Robert Dunlop on Operation Hush.
This landing (never carried out) seems to have significant planning put into it and there are some features that have a 1944 ring to them (like submarine recces of the p...
Hi gang!
Can any member help please in regard to plans/layouts/diagrams, etc of british 1stww period lorries? Reason i ask, is that i intend to start a project in regard to building a replica lorry!
Any help/pointers, would be very greatly appreciated!
My first Mark II is ready for painting. The tracks went well with superglue and mud was added using tamiya putty.
Now to the paintjob...
I dont really have a clue about Mk IIs colour possibilities or decals, however, I have easy acess to Landship decals from 7thKompany.com, one of my usuall sh...
I have seen mention of a MkI experimentally fited up as a minesweeper. Apparently this consisted of suspending some form of electro magnet in front of the tank (presumably to lift mines out of the soil). One gathers that it didn't work. This predates the Mk V** fitted with mine exploding rollers. Does...