Further to the pics I posted a few weeks ago, I've come across this. I read that early War Belgian troops wore a peakless cap like the Feldmuetze, https://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f209/a7v/Belgian5.jpg
On Warwheels.net there's a note that mentions that "Jordi Rubio (of aftermarket barrel fame) is coming out with a Rolls Royce Armored Car" in 1/35th scale. Does anyone else have any news around this?
I attach a photo that might be a Beute Supply tank (heaven knows what the German compound word for that is). I have some doubts about it though.
1 Its definitely in German hands but does not have any Beutepanzer markings visible. It does seem to have its original British Battalion number just visible...
The poor old supply tanks are frequently overlooked but played a crucial part by enabling large amounts of essential material (such as ammunition, grenades, wire[barbed and telephone], rations, water and fuel) to be pushed forward. A company of supply tanks could transport what would take a batt...
A few years ago I lost my file of research materials on the British Heavies due to a rather messy plumbing disaster ... Anyway, when I contacted David at the Museum to replace what I could, he mentioned that while there are "works drawings" for the hull of the Mark IV and others, none exist for the sponson...
While researching a Mk.I model, I've hunted for references about Solomon J. Solomon's camouflage scheme. Good references are not too plentiful, but I've assembled what I think are the most reliable into a short article, which is attached. I won't pretend that this is th...
Ive recently come across several interesting ft-17 variants and I am wondering if they were a one off thing, or were multiple ones were built.
Hello Eduardo
What can I say; your model of the Soviet Armoured Locomotive Type "Ov" is awesome. I wish you would do us a build up report the next time; I would love to learn some of your techniques.
Ok, you have the locomotive, how about the armoured assault wagon to go along with it, or may b...
Gentlemen, does anyone have information from both of this french railroad guns:
320 mm M1870/84 and 370 mm M1875/79,
(Pics, general dimension, any drawing) would be welcome
I salute this forum s crew
Thank you in advance!!!!
A friend of mine who collects mostly cricket memorabilia brought this article in the Antiques Trade Gazette to my attention:
To mark the extraordinary achievements of the highly skilled workforce at Foster?s, a series of plaques were made by the company and presented to both staff and sup...
A lot of books, articles, forums, cover the initial reaction to the tank by the Germans,
but there is very little info on how the Turkish soldiers reacted to first seeing the tank
can anyone shead some light on this?
I've had another rush of blood to the head and done another article on one of the lesser trodden aspects of the subject (to mangle a metephor). I enclose it as a word document. To save problems of size I've indicated in the text where illustrations might go and attachsome possible photos seperately.
I enclose a picture of a Mk V. I have had to blow it up a bit but everything is still pretty clear. I've red lined two areas I'd welcome comments on.
The substantial gousers or spuds on the tracks - I've not seen this feature on a Mk V before
The starboard radiator outlet vent that appears to have been fil...
Currently building, detailing and correcting, the Airfix MK I tank, and I have some questions regarding markings and such.
1) Can I use the included transfer "HMLS Dragonfly", or is that the name of a MK II tank?
2) Did all MK I's carry markings (such as "D7"), or where some of them "bare"?
I just found this image from this site:
It's the most detailed Steam Tank photo I have ever seen. The image is over 700 kb, so beware! This is quite a find though. A photo of this high quality is simply incredible. I would reccomend saving...
I always thought the Carden-Loyd one man midget-tanks, Mk. I, II, and III had a fixed turret. My reference books never mention that the turret-like armored box on top of the vehicle was a revolving turret. Yet we have these images - aparently doctored quite a bit. I make no claim that they haven't been a...
I've attached a quick "how to" for beginners wanting to do a simple Braille scale conversion of Emhar's Mk IV female to a Mk III. If anyone would prefer a pdf version, email me at mls_hansenATtpg.com.au. I can't post it here; it's just over 2 Mb.
As I promised in a recent thread - here is that Mk V having cammo applied at CW. Note the wartime censor has blanked out the census no. and unit id (First time I've seen this done - at least this crudely)
Any ideas on the likely colour scheme. -- Edited by Centurion at 17:29, 2006-06-30
Here comes something bit off topic, but I think this is Italian Fiat 3000 (version of FT17). It might be used by Yugoslav army or was captured from the Italians in WW2. Whatsoever, this ?Renault? was produced in Italy. ?P GIROD ? UDINE? is written on the turret?
I enclose a article I've written outlining the weapons tactics and organistion of German anti tank defences in 1918. It may be of interest to some. (Peter if you want this for the main section please take it).
Straying a bit beyond the Great War with this one, but seeing as there's a review of AER's kit of the little T-18 tank, I thought I'd post it anyway.
On the fantastic ArmorKiev site is a big section about the T-18, with a rather wonderful-looking big gun variant, here:
Does it matter what side the canon sponson is on for the MkV hermaphrodite tanks?
I want to add a few to my wargame army and want to use two models (one male and one female) to make two hermaphrodites if they can be on opposite sides.
Found this scan on a site Vilkata posted about. The scans change quite often so I grabbed it. The site is just a whole list of scanned photos, mostly WW2 Germans but with the occasional earlier shot thrown in. Anybody got any ideas where this was taken? The tank number is hidden by an incovenientl...
I'm about to start building the old Airfix Mk I tank, and I thought I had all the references I needed in my "New Vanguard" book on the tank, but there are really no good pictures on how the tail of the Mk I tank looked like. So if anyone could post drawings or pictures of the tail, I woul...
Hello Gentleman
I am in need of some MkV drawings, I need a male and female, the same scale, and both drawn in the same direction. (If possiable) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
All the Best
Tim R.