I have seen reference to a British 4" stokes mortar that the US copied and eventually made the 4.2" Chemical mortar from. Was this 4" mortar used in WWI and if so by whom? Does anyone have any references to such a weapon?
Belatedly at Eugene's request I post a picture purpoting to show Enver Pasha and some of the Young Turk movement with an armoured car. It is certainly captioned that way in more than one book. On examination however I have a slight qualm in that the crew appear to be in regular army uniforms (in which cas...
Greetings fellas,
My 1/35 Emhar Whippet and the Airwaves PE set have finally arrived I plan to model the HMLS Union, the Whippet used in the Rand Revolt of 1922, but need some info.
1. Does anyone know where I can look to find the call sign and serial number of this Whippet? Is there a list some...
I can find many references to the British casualty figures on day one of the Somme but nothing on the total number of British soldiers that went over the top that day (my grandfather amongst them). Does anyone have these figures? I'm involved in a work that amongst other things will be looking at the cha...
Hi Guys, I have been asked to build a couple of Panzer Shop MKI's for a customer, and he would like them finished in the Soloman camo' style. The question I have is that all the finished kits I have seen seem to have the different areas of colour seperated by a black line. But thi...
I am starting on a 1/6 scale scratch-built replica of the British Rolls Royce armo(u)red car and am looking for plans. I have the "Fine Scale Modeler" magazine plans (Sept 1989) but it appears that these were not reproduced to 1/24 scale as was indicated on the plans. They seem to be about 6%...
When taking digital photos, is there some form of standard colour reference that can be placed with an object being photographed to determine accurately the true colour of that object? Sort of like placing a ruler beside an object to get a measurement. I've seen photos that look different in colour n...
The plates that you often see bolted onto every other track plate in WWI tanks seems to be a low-tech, yet very smart, way of lowering ground pressure on tanks.
But, I have always only seen them affixed on every other track plate, or even less. Furthermore, I have never seen them mounted on the insid...
After checking a multitude of photos of female Mk IV's and V's and comparing them with some excellent photos taken by Mandrake and posted in the Flirt II (MKIV Female) Walkaround thread, I have come to the conclusion that when it was being refurbished "Flirt" has had it's sponsons put on...
I stumbled across these photos in the AWM photo library. They also appear in the book "A Company, 301st Battalion Tank Corps". The significance is that they show a Mark V Composite from both sides, in the field!
Captions: "Lt.s Rock and Warden just north of Bellicourt, Oct. 4, 1918" "L...
I am looking for pictures, drawings and information on the Wisconsin tractor, the reason is that I came a cross a note that the White army used them to construct half tracks.
Hi All
I gave my garford a coat of green paint, and now I am wondering about tis machineguns should they be green or gun metal? and what about the canon and the canon shield?
Hi All
I am getting close to finishing the Armo garford putilov and I enjoyed the build, although the kit had some problems,
I am thinking about getting either the Austin-Putilov, the Izorski-Fiat, or Austin-Kegrese
I read a review on the Izorski kit, but it looks a bit too simple what...
We had some problems a while ago, with sh*t postings not belonging to this forum.
The new system is that all anonymous postings must be approved first. And this far it has worked! A number of illicit postings got stuck in the net, the postings deleted before they appeared, and the posters IP's banned...
I thought it might be useful to share the following bit of e mail with the forum.
Robert -Well, technically your Swedish correspondent friend is correct: Panzermuseum.com is no longer the official site of the Panzermuseum Munster. It used to be until about 2004 when my friend at the Pan...
I've noticed that there seems to be a form of automated censorship of postings so that for example if one wishes to refer to the bit of the aircraft that the pilot sits in this piece of automated baudlerism changes ones text to ****pit Come on now. The same thing happened to an earlier posting when...
this is a translation of an article from the website http://armor.kiev.ua/, this is the first part of three instalments ( its too big to do all in one turn)
Armored Tractors Part 1
Without having official papers, you write on plain paper. When you don?t have tanks, you armor tracto...
No I'm not talking about the recent tropical weather in the UK and California (or even the therms generated by some recent discussions on this forum, a major threat to the melting of the glaciers ) but the heat in WW1 tanks. I guess that we are all aware of the heat problems in the Britsh Mk V, I have recentl...
Did the AH's use the Maxim MG 08/15 LMG? If so, did they intigrate it into all infantry units, just Stoss units or set up seperate detachments?
Hope this post is okay since it does not discuss a vehicle.
In some pictures of Ford 3 Ton Tank seems to have a different rear hull length than in other pictures. I can't find any pictures on hand to support this statement, but here are two pictures from my little russian book, that seems to show two different types of Ford 3 Ton Tanks. One has the normal long engin...
I Would like to greet everybody in my first post.
I'm presenting my Mark V 1/15 scale model. The kit was made using polystyrene sheets and resin castings. The kist is based on my friends Andrzej Jasinski castings and plans. As You can see the hull is almoust ready. Only the side sponsons need t...