Part of the ?unfinished business? remaining after 1918 was the fate of the German province of Upper Silesia. A League of Nations plebiscite (referendum) to decide on German, Polish and Czech claims was to be held in 1921. In the mean time a British peacekeeping force of more than 12 battalions was sta...
In the book "Tanks In The Great War" by Fuller, it is noted that the Turks captured a British tank in the Second Battle of Gaza. And, the Turks actually faced more than one assault by tanks. I was wondering, is there any evidence indicating the Turks actually fixed up the captured Mk.I (or II) and re-empl...
Holy Moses! Have you seen this? A St Chamond experimentally equipped with a 120mm gun!
I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of that. Having said that, I'm not sure which end would be the wrong o...
Can anyone ID this car in this attached picture? Looking at the guy peering out (who is probably regreting parking in a deprived city area and wondering where the wheels went_) it seems rather narrow. I found it on a Russian site so I couldn't read any captions. I did note that they had some of Tim...
An article I have mentions that, around 1914 Swinton suggested adapting the American Holt caterpillar system to an armored car. One month later, a fellow British officer, T G. Tulloch, submitted ideas for a "land cruiser" capable of dealing with light enemy field pieces.
That's all it says.
.. in an earlier tread, which I've managed to lose, a question was asked whether Montenegro had a "Navy". The short answer is "no".
Their only noteworthy outlet to the Adriatic was the port of Bar, which was (is) only a few miles from Cattaro.
As a side story, you likely know Kin...
A litle while ago I said that I had developed some doubts about the possible effectiveness of the Steam Tank and that I'd post these. The following is an extract from a book of mine (covering a much wider period than WW1 and all arms, its currently under consideration with a publisher).
In 1917 the US C...
This came up on AFV News. No one can figure out what this thing is. I post here, because it could be some sort of really early German AFV.
It looks superficially similar to a number of the Grosstraktors, but the strange large angles the tracks run at is quite bizarre, and not featured so extensively o...
Howdy All,
Now that our good Peter has expanded the breath and scope of this site, I was hoping I might be so bold as to be the first to introduce something which has been very exciting and successful on other sites I haved frequented...and that is a "Group Build".
As I'm sure most of you a...
Hi all
if you gusy recall
ICM wanted to make the Russian 76mm Field Gun M.1902/30 in 1/35
well I though the project was dead, but I decided to email someone in the company, and they said they want to make it but they have little info on it!
So if we provide planes and info they will make the kit...
Hi all
Both of the nations had decently large air forces
and recieved goods from Germany and Russian respectively.
what kind of armored cars did they posess?
It seems that of all large scale wwi kits, artillery is the most sorely lacked
I am trying to come up with all the kits in 1/35 resin or plastic
and is there any heavy artiller at all?
18 pndr
76mm feldkanone
des kit
75 mm french
some thing that resembles the 75mm, but...
Does anyone have any details of the vehicles used in the campaign against the oases in the Western Desert in WW1? I already know about the armoured cars used by troops under the command of the Duke of Westminster but I've seen references to lorries equiped with artillery (an early example of portee?) i...
Without wishing to over expand the scope of this excellent forum I though it might be ueful to consider just what we mean by WW1. When I was but young I was taught that it started in August 1914 and ended 11th Nov 1918 but of course it didn't officially end until 1919 and fighting in 'spin offs' of one kind or...
In a number of recent threads I've seen a number of comments expressing regret that DeMole was not honoured for his tank design predating Tritton, Wilson et al. I was therefore surprised when broswing in a second hand bookshop in Haye on Wye today to find that in 1933 he was awarded the CBE for this. (For...
The small line of Landships Decals are slowly groing. Added to the range now is a set of 1/72 scale decals for WW1 Russian & Russian Civil War AFV's. The set has been put together by Michel Boer, and in my opinion it's the best in the whole range!
In my readings I have come across several references to this body and its workings. A picture starts to emerge. It would appear that the AEF in France were not prepared to countenance the ordering of tanks on their behalf unless they had either been involved in the design process or had actually evalua...
"Tanks In The Great War 1914-1918" by J.F.C. Fuller, is one amazing book.
It was first printed in 1920, but has recently been reprinted by "The Battery Press, Inc." ISBN: 0-89839-325-6
This book covers all the different tank battles in surprising detail. Even the Second and Third battles o...
Hello, has somebody illustrations, pictures, sketch of the German developments at end of the 1st World War:
- Infanteriekampfwagen "Hessen-Cassel"
- Infanteriekampfwagen "Horch"
- schwerer Kampfwagen "Benz-Br?uer“
Just recieved my shipment of old articles from a historical society, involving Edwin Wheelock and/or the Skeleton Tank, from Winona Minnesota.
BIG images, but worth it!!! Check It Out.
1st Attachment: Article about how Edwin Wheelock may have been the true inventor of the British tank. D...
A while back we brought up the 'Scat the Kaiser' tank, and a simple side-view drawing of the strange Holt design was presented. But, does anyone have any pictures of it? Or anything new?
I read somewhere that there were a couple mockups built of different versions of this "Special 18" vehicle.
... amazing.
While written in Russian, with cyrillits letters difficult to decipher for average forumite (or I underestimate you?) it contains lots of cool pictures.
First the Rhomboids in Russia:
Index page for WWI tanks is here. In Russia...
Just saw this in a book, and figured I'd scan the pic and post it.
Was this sucker an artillery mover? Supply mover? Both?
It certainly looks like it was built purely for the war. It certainly does not look like an agricultural model.
When I first saw it, I thought the book must have got it wro...
Howdy All,
This is a question I just have to pose to you All...
As much as I really enjoy model kits from the Great War and that era, I must at the same time admit to at least a wee bit {and this is putting it mildly}of frustration regarding the unavailablity of land vehicles I want in 1/35th...
I ve read in several places that the Italians bought a couple of schneiders and soon realized that they were worthless and spent their effrots copying the ft-17, but are there any photos of the Italian schneider?