Reading a web page on Namibia one part covering diamod mining operations by the Skeleton coast contains the following reference "Towards the end of the operation in the area , there were boreholes for water and the soil was removed by ex first world war tanks converted into bulldozers" Any one ...
Made both curious and eager by one previous post, regarding the new glue by LocTite, that is supposed to glue that otherwise ungluable poyethylene plastic I gave it a try.
So I did some simple figure conversions, most of them simply swapping heads, replacing arms, sometimes adding a backpack, an o...
I just bought the Retrokit St Chamont 194 GPF on tracks. Sadly, it is provided without almost no drawings nor indication regarding the colour and marking.
Do anyone have any information ?
Hi everybody!
I am new in this forum and so I am in WWI AFV modelling; an oldhand hand though on WWII AFVs. I am cuurently planning to built my first WWI model and thouht of the Emhar MkV kit.
Much of this comes from the 'Voina' site, Franz Kosar and my own research: note the designations may not necessarily be those that the Romanian Army used for these weapons, but reflect usually the original or commercial designations. The following list is a veritable artillery nut's...
I want to scratchbuild an A7V Tank. Therefore I need good plans/schematics of all relevant sides of the A7V.
Also Measurements would be helpful.
Maybe someone can help me.
Can anyone make any sense of this?
It appears to have been taken at Neuve Chappele April 1915. The original caption idicats thatit shows the gun crew having died at their station. The photo is not very clear but I cannot see how this...
For some time now I've to set up a Smallscale AFV Modelling Hall of Fame, for people that I think deserve a bit of recognition for making this Hobby into what it is.
Here I have some names that I think should be in that Hall of Fame. It is coloured by the fact that I myself started modelling in the 70-ies, le...
I am looking for any information and especially plans/drawings/sketches or at least descriptions of following Tank-Projects:
Hi all,
Few weeks ago, I bought one Major Models?kit: the Ehrhardt 1917 armored car. It was my first purchase from this producer and probably it?s gonna be the last one! It?s terrible! Missing or broken main parts, huge resin bubbles, instructions only in russian... so, almost unusable.
My ques...
Major Ralph Sasse was a member of the AEF and was the commander of a Mk V* in the 301st American Tank Battallion. His Mk V* was unusual in that it had a wireless set. As a result of his actions whilst his tank was on reconaisance, on the 8th August during the Battle of Amiens, in rallying infantry and r...
On an old thread, there was a drawing of a Killen Strait tractor with an armoured car turret:
There was speculation as to whether or not some Killen Straits were fitted with complete armoured car bodies.
Well, I've just been leaf...
Hello guys
I have some more artillery photos I would like some information on if possible. Some are from Zeebrugge, and I belive one is from Ostend
all the best
Tim R
Gentlemen, As MGM is still in the business of compiling the information for the Paris Gun project (we have a useful lead now though!) Michael thought another stunning project to catch the imagination was called for. As a friendly German producer of resin aircraft models is planning the release of a ?...
Hello Guys
I have been pondering this theory for awhile, I no the Fathers of the Landships went over and over this very same question. And I know they ended up in favor of tracks. But I am not sure that was the best idea. What are your thought and ideas.
I would be very interested in what yo...
Hello Guys
I am doing some reasearch on the Ford 3 ton tank, I need some good drawings, and as many pictures as possible. additional information will be greatly appreciated.
All the Best
Tim R
Hello Guys
I was going through some information I have on early American Armor, And I came accross this picture of a Improvised American Tank so called the Special 182 built on a Holt Chassis. Improvised by a wood frame and cloth covered body with a turret
Does any body know any thing more,??...
Take a look at this remote controlled demolition weapon from 1915. Apparently Schneider produced something similar called the Croccodile but as yet I have not tracked down any details.
Hey guys, I hope every one had a great and Happy New Year, I have been down for a while (Sick) but I ran across these photos, And I know some one on this forum can tell me what they are,and maybe post some more pictures of them. Ok #5 I know what it is, but does any one have any more pictures of it???
Thanks Guys...
Howdy All,
Treader's here again!
As I stated earlier, and in an effort to open up the spectrum of potential projects in these inaugural Group Builds here at Landships, I want to add a non-tracked, or 'softskin' category to the mix. I feel this would allow those of us who are in the moo...
This tank has appeared in such books as "Tanks of the World 1915-1945" by Chamberlain and Ellis, which makes you suppose it must have been a viable AFV design. There is actually a story that Holt offered the little vehicle to the army as a one man tank - but I have never seen proof of this.
The HA 36 was b...
I'm looking to start up a 1/32nd scale scratchbuild of a 1914 Pattern Rolls Royce Armoured Car. Problem ... where can I find a photo-etched set of wire wheels? I know that Scale Link offers their set, but the price is pretty steep at 25+quid.
Any suggestions on where to find some photo-e...
I found on this Ukrainian site interesting sketched on the LKII tanks, but at the bottom there is this picture of two vehicles appearing to habe LKII chassis but with other construction and armament:
Given the threat posed by British heavy and medium tanks (and later the French Renault FT) I'm surprised at the seeming paucity of specialised anti tank weapons adopted by the Central Powers. Yes they may have underestimated the threat as a result of the Battle of Arras but they certainly were aware f...
I don't know if anyone has tried this (nobody replied to my earlier post on the subject) so I've given the Loctite "All Plastics" glue a try.
Apart from the recent Emhar Americans and HaT German Artillery and Heavy Weapons, which can be glued with polystyrene cement, plastic soldiers have tr...
I'm new here and really like this site. I have built a big Diorama depicting the Western Front 1918.
British and some French forces attack heavily fortified German Trench lines. The figures are Emhar, H?t and Revell.
The landscape is made of styrofoam, boxes and plaster, and was painte...
I've seen a number of accounts of the French blaming the British from using tanks prematurely (at Flers) and therefore alerting the Germans in time for them to take measures against the French use of the Schneider. I've always seen this as an early version of spin to cover some of the serious failings o...