Two more sites with Model T's a la WWI.
The first is a reprint of a Canadian magazine of the period, "Ford Times," the war issue. LOTS of ambulances, but other stuff too. A favorite is "army transport with body made from old packing crate." Pipe transports, too.
I just got a EMHAR mark IV male tank I opened the box and found that they did not give any instructions! does any one have instructions for this tank that could e-mail them to me? I NEED THESE INSTRUCTIONS to build this model its for a huge history project (the kind that make of b...
Howdy All,
Felt the need to exercise my 'Duh!' synapse by asking what is probably a question that has already been answered many times by the crowd here, but....can someone identify these two vehicles please?
Howdy All,
Again, here I go with the questions!.....jeeeeez, {I warned ya}
I don't mean to ask what in my mind is a simple question, but just so's I can get some kind of answer I'll ask it anyway.
I've built a decent amount of WWII armoured vehicles and so have had my share of dealings with man...
Howdy fellas, again I was curious if this kit was any good....
It's by Tauro {obviously}, and I am pretty happy with their A7V kit, so I was hoping for some critique if at all possible form any...
I was just perusing my mysterious little Russian book, and I noticed some stuff I hadn't caught before. The book is about early armor, up to about 1918.
Now, these are probably very unimportant, but I thought I would post them anyways - simply because I don't have the foggiest idea what they are.
Hello Guys
Since we all like unusual vehicles, I thought we could have a good discussion on these very strange WW1 Landship/ Battleship drawings dated 1917 and 1918. The first is the Aubriotand Gabet Landship: which runs on 4 sets of tracks.
Second is the Atherton Land Battleship:...
For those of you who like to see Landships move, the Imperial War Museum shop is still selling the Battles of the Somme on Ancre on VHS PAL. These are original silent WW1 documentaries, the Battle of the Ancre includes the earliest film of British tanks among lots of other material. Sadly they ar...
I just got a EMHAR mark IV male tank I opened the box and found that they did not give any instructions! does any one have instructions for this tank that could e-mail them to me? I NEED THESE INSTRUCTIONS to build this model its for a huge history project (the kind that make of b...
Hello Guys
I have run across some more information on Russian WW1 tank designs, I hope Stoyan/or any body else can shed some light on this for us.
Zhitonoski Tankette (Shield Bearer) was a private venture designed as a one man vehicle with a prone driver/gunner. Maxim MG in limited t...
Hello Guys
I ran across this quote from Patton today, does any one have any idea what he is talking about??
"While in France in 1918, I was directed to report on the military value of a machine going by the euphonious name of the 'moving fort and trench destroyer'. An elaborate set of blueprin...
Hi all
Does any one know of any updates about this kit, i know I am getting impatient and that emahr works slow, only to make mediocre kits, but still when is this comming out!!!!
any updates help full
or contact info
Hello Every One
I thought while I was going through some photo's I would share these with you. A few people on the forum has expressed interest in the Killen Strait. So I thought these would be of some interest to you guy's.
All The Best
Tim R
Since you have brought to light some really cool information on the "polevoi bronenosets". Do you have any extra information/Drawings of the other designs of the "polevoi bronenosets". I don't mean to be a pest, But I love strange machines, and I love Russian Tank/Armoured Car Hist...
A while ago a post on missing lynx has saprked my interest, it was a reference that the famous french engineer, Boirault made a back t oback ft-17 to imporve its trench corssing ability
well I found a site with photos of his OTHER IDEA a anti barbed wire vehicle
he also appears to have done some...
I aquired this 1987 CCCP book online. It's a little floppy paper book a good 100 or so pages long. The fabrication of the book is quite simple, no glossy pages, thin paper.
It is mostly about the usual stuff. T-26s, T-34s, the same stu...
Hello Guys
I found these pictures of a 1/72 scale Big Wheel Machine model, I thought you 72nders would enjoy them. By the way its quite awesome!!!!!!!!!
All The Best
Tim R.
About a week ago the last surviving veteran to have participated in the famous christmas truce died in Newtyle, Scotland at the age of 109, his name was Alfred Anderson he served with the British army
Let us not to forget that even in barbarity fo war human nature of compasion is always strong the ch...
So what do you say? How do you like the changes? Which one of all of us will rise through the ranks faster Now we are all Privates, but you could end up a Field Marshal
All the best
Here is a shot of two Ford machine gun platforms, U.S. army, c. 1916. The shot is from a "Kavanaugh war postal" titled 'Fords at the front'.
By 'front', though, they mean MEXICO. (Sorry. I guess that would be the far left flank of the Western Front.) Anyway, have a look.
Hello Guys
I ran across this picture a while ago, I am not sure about its name, year built, any thing. The soldiers uniform all though its a drawing, seems to be 1920ish Russian???. Any ideas??
All The Best
Tim R
I found yet another russia narmroed car this one
is simply called red petrograd
not much info on it and only a drawing does nay one have any info on this
it must be tsarsit since it is unlikely that the bolsh...
Howdy All,
I typed out {again} a rather long message to the group but it apparently was 'eaten' up by the Internet Gods....
Anyway, I was simply tryoing to say that I am fairly new here {posting}, but have been a lurker for some time now...normally I quite verbal and involved at...
Hi there, was just wondering if anyone had any photos etc of the Ford Model T in WW1, apart from the ambulance version. To be exact i'm looking for photos of the truck version, also known as the Ford Model T truck or Ford Model TT, introduced in 1917. I've read about large quantities of these used by...
browsing through some russian websites I found a lrage article on the vezdehod that I am currently translating, in the mean time here are the pictures from it
an interesting dra...
I wonder if there is anything that can be done about this...
In a lot of forums, new posts will be placed at the top of the page. Posts that have been inactive, progress lower in the list.
In this way, a post that has long since been inactive, might get another post, and then will appear at the top of...
After some friendly suggestion have been made here, regadring possible improvements of the Forum, I will now try and change some things. I will try to enable VOLUNTARY registration and log-in, and some other such stuff. (That will also give us Avatars, I think - if you know what that is.)
If the Foru...