Good evening!Looking at a picture that Mad Zeppelin placed I noticed two things that I would like to know more about. 1. In the red circle there is a rope or cable with at the end a hook. It looks like the rope or cable is coming from inside the tank. Is it a winch?2. In the green circle there is a steel rod b...
Does anyone (most likely one for the Brits) remember a character from the Victor comic (circa 1970s?) called Captain Cadman, the Fighting Coward? I have, for some reason, recalled this character whom I came across in an old Victor annual about twenty years ago. The stories were set in WW1, with Cadma...
More than a year ago i posted for the last time. I would like to show some things i am working on at the moment...... Soon more pics ( if i can find the time ) Greetings,Hans.
Hello I recently found a picture of a Gaza MK1 I didn't see before on this site ....( I may be wrong.....) I"m pretty sure it's Ozatel on the beach during (I presume ) the recovery of the tank (See the attached Jibs and sponsonwagon) see also the included well known photograph of Ozat...
With the introduction of tankwarfare the Germans had to counteract and one of their reactions was to create a so called Tanksperre, tank obstacle. There are just a few left and one stands along the Damvillers- Romange sur Les Cotes road ,to the north east of Verdun . Build as concrete structures with s...
Yes, progress is slow on the A7V tank. Meanwhile I found and bought the title figures, as well as the Osprey book on German forces during WW1. I'd like to know how accurate the paint selection colors are in the instructions, for sometimes they can be wrong. Following on from the great success of the "Tracks to the Trenches" event at the Apedale Valley Light Railway in 2014, it gives us great pleasure to announce that the event is to be repeated and developed in 2016 and 2018. Attracting over 3000 visitors from across the U...
I am trying to find info on the 7,7cm M96 n.a. gun No. 2050. However, most of the info refers to a 7,7cm FK n.a. gun. Can anybody explain the difference between the "M" suffix and the "FK" suffix? Also, is there any record of the issue of the gun to a unit before 1914? Tony
Hi, Got some questions about the A7V Elfriede tank - Does anybody know the full story behind the famous pictures where it lays on it side? Did it happen during combat? Was the crew capture or killed? Where there a fight just after it flipped on its side? - What color was on the inside of this tank? - What col...
Citizens! There is an occasional rumour that in Lugansk there are, in addition to the two restored Mark Vs, another two "in storage." What exactly this means is not clear, and there are no further details. Now someone with a reputation for knowing what he's talking about has inserted the claim into th...
Hello I've been asking a lot of question concerning Otazel I started with the Takom Mk 1 Male and converting this kit into Ozatel on the Gaza beach.. what I've done so far: -a lot of research -damage on the RH side of the tank -replaced the kit cab with the MR resin cab -tried to recreate the curved RH trac...
The photo shows the Austin armored cars “Indian Pattern”. Time and place of photography I do not know. Probably painted Order of the Star of India or other identifying mark? *The 04 image from the book "The Royal Tank Regiment. A Pictorial History 1916-1987".
Based on the few scant photos available - the best being the face on shot of trackless Mk.I tanks under repair - I am trying to get my head around the arrangement / fixing of spare track plates on the front of tanks *and* identify what the nondescript lumpy things are behind them. Can anyone shed any ligh...
Hello, Several days ago I received the Cromwell Mark VIII International in 1/76th scale. I've been searching for this kit for many years so I was happy I finally found it. This kit is a marvel of casting. The tank is pictured is one piece! I understand that when this kit was moved to their Combat Read...
I found these pics taken a Exermont during the Meuse Argonne offensive taken Oct,07 1918, what I need to know is what unit does the tank belongs to, I think symbol is a white triangle with a red triangle inside of this, or it could be a heart, either way I think it is red in color, any help will be appreciat...
I need to find color profiles or photos for this kind of tank for a project that I am going to do. Even if you can point me in the right direction or web sites that would help. Also what did a US tank crew man look like. Regards Denis
Stumbled blindly across this image. Hoping someone could tell me what it is I have tried the Crow/Icks encyclopedia of armoured cars The front made me think of Austin or even Peerless. I'm sad to say I have neither a date nor location for the image and it was obviously badly cropped a long long time ago m...
Hello all I have recently (yesterday) obtained access to a personal collection of photographs taken by CSM J. CUMMING 1022 of the Australian 11th Battalion and later the Camel Corps in Eygpt and Palestine. To the best of my knowledge they have never been seen before and I am taking great delight in vie...
Hello Being busy with Otazel ,I put on the studs for the spaced armour plates on the roof, with the much appreciated help of the drawing of "MK1nut" on this subject. Only to find out that I couldn't install the sponson jibs anymore....... so I left a couple of the studs off. Could it be possible that th...
It's about 10 years since Strelets told us that the Austro-Hungarian Honved cavalry were "coming soon." The excellent Caesar French Infantry aren't far behind. We saw the masters years ago. Does anyone have any idea what is likely to happen?
Good day to you all! I am working on a Mark IV female and i am close to attaching the unditching beam to the back of the vehicle. Following the instructions i should fasten the beam by the chains and the pe-parts (for fastening it to the tracks) on the rail. But was that the way it was stored at the back in real...
Hello, My name is Dan Silvestru and together with my friend Alexandru we want start an WW1 model : Lanz artillery tractor Please help as to have more information ( dimension , detail photos with engine and chassis frame... ) to can make an good model. We will post the photos of master progress . Thanks D...
I have this kit it is not opened and from the scan of the decals it looks like there are USA decals included am I right? and where can I get figures for this? contact me on this board or email me at Regards Denis
In the book "They Fought for the Motherland" it mentions "one disabled tank" left behind at the Winter Palace to "defend" the Provisional Government while the remaining armored cars fled during the October/November 1917 Revolution. From a book on Soviet Armor by Steve Zagoda he mentions the Russi...
The other day I found that the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND, USA holds a series of papers (microfisched) relating to mostly early American armour (although forien vehicles are on the list too). Combat use and development of tanks including some unit war diaries like War Diaries for 3...