Bovington Centenary Tanks site has just gone live today by the way I added a link as well as the address in case one doesn't work. Worthy of cross-promotion
Hello again Busy with the Takom 1/35 MK I Otazel I have a question, As soon as the Brits found out the steering tail on the MK 1 wasn't that neccessary , it was removed from the MK1's. The steering tail was pivotted in holes in the aft trackhorns , What was done with the remaining holes, after the tail assem...
In order to get a large supply of horses, artillery crews, limbers, and wheels, I purchased a number of the Airfix WWI Royal Horse Artillery sets. Now I have a surplus of 13-pounder guns, and without wheels. I don't collect British Army soldiers. Did the US Army ever use the 13-pounder during or afte...
Hello My first 1/35 MkI (Clan Leslie) is nearly finished . Now I want to try and recreate the Gaza beach scene of HMLS Otazel with another Takom 1/35 Male. When you look at the pictures, it looks like there is some kind of damage just in front of the sponson, due to the explosion which broke the tr...
Just finished Takom 1/35cm 21cm. Just very recently I received a very interesting photograph of the underside of the gun. Too late to add the details but interesting nevertheless.... First series is Takom's model, other model is from Airmodel, a resin kit. The differences in model, dimensions an...
Good day to you all.My first posting here, looking on this site now for a while and enjoying the knowledge that is around here! I am building the Takom Mark IV Tadpole and have a few questions.I hope there is someone over here that can answer them:1. does the pictured Mark IV Tadpole with the white o...
I'm considering making a 1:32 model of an early Bussing lastkraftwagen ca 1903 or 04. I have a number of photos, a couple of drawings, but no dimensions. If any of you could provide data as to length, height, diameter of wheels, wheelbase, et cetera, it would be most appreciated. (Have been looking fo...
Hello again, I recently got hold of the 1/35 MModel German Lancer 1914-1918, which is equipped with a gasmask (including a gasmask for the horse) (see attachment) Now I am thinking of some kind of diorama which depict a knocked out and left behind Mk IV, which is checked out by this german lancer, j...
Am busy building the Takom Whippet Tank in 1/35. Any ideas on finished colour? We could have: a) grey like Bovington, b) light brown like some of the other tanks at Bovington; c) medium brown like one in Brussels; d) "Green Moss" as recommended by Takom; or e) Silver like the one in Pretoria!!!...
Hi all. This is my newest diorama on 1/72. The tank is a Schneider produced by Wespe. The original kit is quite poor so I improved it adding many new details, as two frames for stowage, two new MGs, a new gun... . Pegasus Models produces WWI french infantry and I improved my three soldiers addind new helme...
I've implemented a new menu system on the models page on Landships II ( This is very simple codewise but relies on CSS (Cascading style sheets) to work. I can't test whether it works on Windows since I have no Windows machine in the house. May I us...
Because you can never have too many brown tanks, I'm really going to have to build something green soon, I decided to do a Mk.I supply tank. Starting point was an Emhar MK.IV, why I hear you ask when it would be easier to start with a Master Box Mk.I... the simple answer is I already had an unfinished one I'd...
Obviously it was used by GB - in the tanks and by cavalry, etc. - and by USA, and a few by Belgium. But was it used by France? I never seen it mentioned specifically.
Hello Does somebody has clear pictures of the sandshiels used on the Mk1 tanks used at Gaza. I want to make a model the damaged Hmls Otazel at the beach at Gaza greetz Ronald -- Edited by SMK on Saturday 26th of March 2016 06:58:51 PM-- Edited by SMK on Saturday 26th of March 2016 07:52:23 PM
The tank museum has launched its new microsite on the 100 years of the tank and its newly updated exhibition Tank Men. the site is they are also planning on a special event on the 17th Sept (Sat).
Good day to you all.My first posting here, looking on this site now for a while and enjoying the knowledge that is around here! I am building the Takom Mark IV Tadpole and have a few questions. I hope there is someone over here that can answer them:1. does the pictured Mark IV Tadpole with the white o...
Hi BR 8 inch Armstrong BLR (203mm) Were naval and coastal defense guns of the 1880s, but remained in service in many cases up to 1920 / 30.-In Argentina there are three or four "survivors", and came as main armament on board the "Acorazado Alm. Brown " in the early years of the de...
I'm hoping that someone on here may know the WD number of General Sir Arthur Currie's Roll Royce? Over the years I've tracked down a few pictures of the car in question and there are tantalising glimpses of the WD number but in every photo there's always either a lot of glare on the engine cover of someone...
Remember in 2014 how the centenary was going to be commemorated? The BBC was going to run a Great War item every day for four years. Airfix were going to bring out new artillery, new figures, new dioramas. What else didn't happen? Lest they forget.
I have to admit that I am stumped. I am trying to determine how the rounds for a German 7.7cm field gun would be stored in a trench or shelter. In stacks at the ready? In baskets? Crates? And what color would the projectiles be? My only excuse for not having a clue is that I am a siege gun and fortificat...
Just seen the first look at Tacom's 1/35th scale MK1 Male Tank First impression... Love it! There are a few small details wrong that can be easily corrected if you're as bad as me when it comes to Mk1 Tanks. :) On the whole though it is ninety odd percent correct. Never thought I would be saying that about a...