Hi, please excuse me if this isn't the right place for this, I'm a bit out of touch with forum ettiquete these days. I'm a freelance designer and have completed a range of kits for the British 13 and 18pdr guns with attached carriage limbers, as well as a common artillery limber/wagon combo to suit both....
While researching WWI photographs at the US National Archives I found these two interesting photos. Captions for the photos are: The French-built 75mm field gun used to fire the first US artillery shot against the Germans on 23 October 1917. According to the inscription on the blast shield, the g...
I'm seeking information about this photograph which I have inherited. It shows my great-grandfather (on the right) in front of what I believe is a vehicle from Ruston Hornsby near Lincoln, UK. It is labelled as being an early development of a tank and is dated as circa 1910. Any more specific informat...
Gentleman Hello, I have ran across a strange object in some photo’s apply entitled “Schnellwurf-Granatenmaschine” {Photo’s Attached} I have seen it before but I can not find my reference material, can any one help with information, extra photo’s etc. Anything would be very much appreciated...
In an idle moment I googled the above, expecting the usual "out of print" result. To my surprise, it seems that new copies are available. That's the way it looks. I've just ordered a new copy for £15, so we'll see what happens. It's published by Manchester University Press. You might recall...
This is some info I have found on German Horse drawn vehicles some WW I and some WW II: The site the Axis History Forum has a section Ron Klage's panzers and other vehicles section. There is a post on German horse drawn transport mostly WW II but some WW I and between the wars. lets just say the German army us...
Looking for more information (preferably a scale drawing of the lay-out) for this type of bunker/concrete cover , sites, pictures,books. Thanks in advance Maarten.
I scratch build an armored car named Russia used by the White forces during period of the 1918-1919 on the FWD base. I used FWD chassis recently released by the Roden. Hope you would like it. -- Edited by ZigZag on Saturday 24th of October 2015 02:39:12 PM-- Edited by ZigZag on Saturday 24th of October 20...
I was at my local bookshop yesterday and I know the owner. He showed me a copy of 'LiveWires - 37th Engineers' which he has listed on Amazon currently. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GK5T8GG Looks to be a short unit history of the US 37th Engineer Battalion which served in WW1. The best I can find on that...
As we all know, the German offensives of March to June 1918 swept throgh the British and French lines, capturing huge quantities of men and matériel. This was achieved without tanks (in any quantity), but using the "new" stormtroop tactics. It seems, though, that the stormtroop tactics...
Dear All, I am trying to get a piece of 'boiler-plate' from a Mk II Tank. Doesn't have to be huge. Large enough to get a metallurgy test done, which will hopefully lead to a ballistics test. If any of you remember the test done by a TV company a few years ago on armour plate at Cranfield, especially on the rev...
Did the Germans actually modify captured Mark IV's beyond remarking and repainting? Which would seem rather surprising with tanks being little used by them anyway.
http://www.sciplus.com/ They sell science-relatde surplus, tools, etc. But I've bought hobby-related supplies and tools from them, such as tiny drill bits. I think some of you can use stuff they sell too.
The Germans used the chassis of the A7V tank for a simple carry cart vehicle to supply the front lines. The French used converted St. Chamond tanks while the British used converted Mark tanks. Why didn't the Allied forces resort to using their own tank chassis to make carry carts, which should have b...
I've been intimidated by the sheer size and parts count of Takom's Female Mark IV tank, but finally elected to start on it. The British color for the tank is listed in the instructions as Tamiya XF-49. Would that be accurate?
Anyone know of the Weald Foundation (former SDKFZ Foundation) they were the ones who had access to have the FT-17 at Bovington tank museum? wheel/ track section, which was ?removed. Not sure if they are building a replica or are restoring an original. Any one know much about them, where they are based...
It came late to the war, and I wondered at that stage how either side reacted to it. It didn't do too well in battle, and I wondered if the soldiers who happened to see it, especially those knowledgeable about tanks, thought it would be a new hope for the German army, or a waste of materials.
In latest issue of French model railway magazine Voie Libre there is a short article about building a model of the French narrow gauge Pechot bogie wagon converted to carry FT17s. Model is in approx 1/72nd scale, and actually uses one of my 3D printed models. I only found out when I got my copy of magazin...
Does anybody have any other photos of Eclipse II. This was my cousins tank. Research undertaken by another cousin has given the following information. On 23rd November, 1917, Lieutenant Alfred King Tripe, my cousin, was killed in action at the Battle of Cambrai. Alfred, commissioned as a Lieutena...
A scratchbuild to fill some spare time while on holiday. I did some 3-view drawings based on published dimensions and photos on the internet. The tracks were modified from the Emhar Mk IV kit, everything else is plastic sheet, strip and rod. The hatch on the top is speculative, as I haven't found any pi...