Has anyone seen, or knows of, drawings of the US Tracked Steam tank? This was built in Boston in 1917-18 using Stanley steam technology by the US Army Corps of Engineers. It looked something like an obese version of a British rhomboid tank. Regards, Charlie
안녕하세요! Hellow! I'm from South Korea and I interested in history&techhnical about A7V I guess that im the only man in South Korea who writing about A7V and others WW1 tanks in wep or blog Funny, its almost true... cuase most of Koreans are not intrersted in WW1 tanks even just about WW1...so...yep....
Been building WWI models since I first found the Airfix Mark I in the late 1950's. Recently finished the Schneider and St. Chamond (photos attached) in 1/35 and posted photos on Track Link. Will be using this site much more due to its focus on what I'm interested in. Just received the Takom Mark I Fem...
IPMS Ireland are hosting a GB running from Jan 1st till July 1st 2016. Its called "Ireland, the Great War and the Struggle for Independence 1916-23" It covers all genres, aviation,naval,figure and vehicles. Entry is open to all. You do not need to be an IPMS Ireland member or indeed IPMS a...
Hello everyone! This is my first post on Landships, but I read forum from time to time during couple months. Well, about subject. I have seen this image some time ago and found it interesting. Then I started to search another photos of that gun. And finally found it. Here it is — http://www.panoramio.c...
Hi mates. I´d like to build a Mark Iv with interior. I have the old Ehmar kit and I know it´s going to be a lot of work. As a new member of the site I first asked some advice to Rectalgia, and he told me to look for your help in this section. I seek infos first of all on the interior of the tank ( pics, links..), but o...
Some members of the forum asked me about the Takom St Chamond suspension improvements I made with some 3D printed parts showed in another thread. Takom make spring suspension solid. They work well for a OOTB model but they are no good for a mediun to high quality model. In this therad I would like to show...
One of the things I find tricky with 1:35 scale ww1 tanks is getting decals to form nicely over rivets, especially when you have several rivets close together. Any suggestions other than the usual softeners which really dont seem to do a lot.
Over the Christmas holiday, I set up the M1904 Saddles, M1916 Harnessing, with the French 75mm mle/1897 and its US Limber for photos.There are a few breechings missing from this series of photos and the Limber is really the US M1918 Caisson Limber not the US Gun Limber M1918 and well, I am missing si...
Santa got me the Haynes owners manual for the MK IV, good Santa :) Theres one photo in there of a tank being unloaded from its rail transport. Basically 4 big jacks lifting the tank up so that the wagon can be moved away from under it. Would make a great diorama but I can't find any good pics of the jacks. Any s...
The postal system actually worked properly and delivered the attached... A 1/25 Lebedenko cardmodel tank should be ok until you get to the wheels. As far as I can tell the first thing to build is the jig to assemble the wheels. The model should be 712mm (L) x 480mm (W) x 360mm (H) Regards, Charlie
A small production run of the American M1917 is being reproduced in southern Indiana, the first one off the assembly line will be delivered to the Indiana Military Museum, 4 more to soon follow. These will be up for grabs to museums with the right credentials, private ownership is a available, as wel...
I am looking for a line diagram of a Mark I male tank which could be used for posters, and possibly flags, for the centenary of the first tanks at Flers in September 2016. Helen (Mark 1 nut) plans are superbly detailed but are too complex for our needs. We are thinking of a more simple design which will be e...
Hello Gents, On 23th August 1918 in the morning two tanks were attacked and damaged (not destroyed, because it was only MG fire) by German airplanes east of Proyard. Which unit could these tanks belong to, what type they were and are their numbers and crews losses possible to identify? Cheers, Alber...
Disponibile /availableKit 72034 - Autoambulanza su Autocarro Fiat 15 ter (Master from GZ) €. 33,00Grazie per aver scelto i nostri modelli / Thank you for choosing our models Giorgio, for GB Modelli http://gbmodelli.blogspot.com/-- Edited by giorgio on Saturday 19th of December 2015 12:22:...
Hello. My name is Karl Van Sweden and I make masters for The New TMD. I am a fan of the WW I land ships though never got very interested in them until now. I usually build 1/35th scale and now with these new kits coming am getting real interested again. I am interested in doing some corrections for the MK I ki...
Looking at the pics published on Armada14 concerning the tanks during the russian civil war, I was especialy interested on the page 24 showing a Whippet armed with a 37mm gun. This specific pic (and 3 other on same pages) is legended as "tank Siberian" (former crocodil) captured by the Re...
I am looking for information on the use of the Mgebov-Renault armored car use. I believe 11 or 12 were made. 1 was in Petrograd during the Feb/March 1917 revolution. One was captured by the Germans in March 1918. Any information on the rest. I understand some were used by both sides during the Russian Ci...
This deals with the markings ect of the Master box Austin III and IV armored car kits in 1/76 Austin III: Top Row German D (decal) 4 freikorps unit Austrian D9 The Austrians captured one which did serve in army's only armored car platoon but it appears it wasn't captured with rest of the unit by the Yugos...
I've been building armor, aircraft and tanks since the late 1950's and recently finished the Schneider CA and St. Chamond (attached) 1/35 models. Was excited to see Takom announce the Mark I but some of their errors are frustrating when there's so much information available on the web today. I...
Here are some questions I'm sure someone can probably set me straight on... i/ Were Mk.I Supply tanks used in Gaza? ii/ Is there any evidence of Mk.I Supply Tanks fitted with the Gaza jib modifications? iii/ What stowage arrangements were there for blocks & tackle when not jib mounted? [never se...
With the Mark IV tank already done as a supply tank version, I wonder if anyone has done the St. Chamond version with the plated-over gun port yet. I did see a picture on page 20 of "French Tanks Of World War 1" by Steve Zagola. Also wondered how the thing was marked and colored. The Mark IV tan...