Hi I am hoping someone might be able to help me. I am slowly restoring a 1915 Peugeot type 153A and I am 98% sure it was a military vehicle, and most likely an ambulance during the war. What I do know is it has a 1915 engine and chassis number. It also had a 1918 date stamp on the bottom of the sump, and it arrived...
Hello everyone, ? I have attached a photo scanned from "From the Home front to the Front line- images from the Great war", edited by J. Mahony. I guess the image exists in AWM data base somewhere. The scan is not a good copy but the image in the book can be made out to be a Mark V male named "ME...
In the past, sketches have shown the size and position of the White-Red-White stripes on the tanks. However, the official notification (attached) only refers to the top stripes and not the side or rear stripes. Did these come in on a different date and for a different purpose? Tony
Hello all you fellow modellers out there. Please check out my posting on the Modelling Forum page as I'm trying to find a new home for my almost finished massive Mk1 Male tank modeol. All the best from France. -- Edited by Ginge1959 on Tuesday 22nd of September 2015 05:33:37 PM
Hello All,
I had some bizarre idea that I might be able to convert (hack to bits) the Airfix and make some semblance of a Mark V and Mark V*.
I rather like the proportions of the V*, so I want one (especially the female).
Anyway, I checked over what was available online and was surprised to find Model Tra...
Dear all, Please see below pictures of my new model of the Master Box Austin 4 series. I did not used photo etched set because have only one of them and will use for the Russian one with Maxim machine guns. On this model I used 0.3 mm wire for the handles and made font hatсh in open position with plastic. Hop...
Obviously post war there was a surplus of armoured vehicles around which got scrapped, sent for static display or just got used for target practice. Found these shots of some later firing trials described only as 'against 'Renault type tanks' conducted in the United States in or about 1933. Fig:22...
Learn how Ernest Swinton invented the tank in time for the Battle of the River Soma, and much more: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DLKXJLeIZLg And the French get the treatment. Badly translated script read by someone who doesn't care. Voice sounds familiar. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A...
I don't remember reading anything about this car in this forum; apologies if I am mistaken. HMAC Ajax at the RAF Regiment Museum http://www.rafregiment.net/RAF_Regt_Museum.htm It's not WW1 vintage, but it's close.
As part of the King's College/British Film Institute fact-finding tour, I paid a visit to the Imperial War Museum, my first since the £49,000,000 refit. I had in the back of my mind that a regular contributor to the Forum - Rob? - had said something very uncomplimentary about it, so I was keen to see it fo...
Apologies for delay in reporting. This film exists in the basement of the British Film Institute in London, and is on VHS. We've discussed it a few times before, and managed to confirm that this clip is from the film: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TSfFYfk49k The detailed synopsis that, unfort...
A new one on me. Of the type normally seen on heavier guns, but apparently used in Gaza/Palestine. Came across it while looking into the ped-rail (sic)/Bottrill/Dreadnaught (sic) question. Much confusion surrounding this. Anyone familiar with the Dreadnaught Wheel and how it came by the name? It...
On the old website, Gilles Thomas did a very interesting article on the camouflage of tanks by country (SOME SIMPLE NOTES ON WW1 AFV CAMOUFLAGE).Is this article still available somewhere?Tony
I know there are many unknowns about this Mark II tank - at least from my point of view. My membership of MAFVA has lapsed again (something I hope to rectify soon) and so I haven't been able to see Gwyn's articles on this particular tank. However, I am making a model of her, when she was a supply tank. I am wor...
Looking at some of the videos on YouTube (thanks philthydirtyanimal) I am struck by the lack of unditching beams, especially on the Mk. 5*. Did 1918 mean that the ground conditions were such that they were necessary or what? Tony
Now that we will be having a 1/35 Mk. I model, the conversion to a radio tank should prove to be a popular one. The drawings I find on the internet show the Radio Tank with the Mk. I steering wheels still attached. Surely by 1917 the wheels would have been removed? Tony
Can anyone tell me the correct colour the Rolls when they were used in Egypt/Palestine? I have bought one of Millicasts kits and I am modifying it for 1 War condition.I am hoping to make a small dio. Thanks in advance.
A vous.... Disponibile/available Kit 72040 - Krupp-Daimler Kw 19 (master from TK) €. 30,00Disponibile/available Kit 72039 - SET ACCESSORI III (Casa Araba con pozzo/Arab House with well) €. 10.00
A chap we know is restoring a second Napier B74 lorry rather like this one. This second lorry is believed to have been destined for Russia but was never delivered due to the revolution when the order was cancelled. While examining the remaining paint it appears that the first coat was matt black. Can a...
There was a doco on TV last night about V.E. Day, 1945. A very brief glimpse could be seen of two beute Renault FTs on a high street in Jersey or Guernsey. Can't find the pic on t'Internet. Anyone seen it?
The Albert County Museum in Hopewell Cape, New Brunswick, Canada is in the process of restoring (not to firing condition but to display condition) a WW1 German k14 105mm Cannon which was captured at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917. You can read all about the gun and our restoration project on our website ht...
On the attached pic of the "Duck", there appears to be large plates attached to the tracks - does anybody have any details on what these were, how many of them, and were there other things attached to aid propulsion? Tony