This is an absolute gem. "Briefly Famous: The 1917 Caterpillar G9 Tank" by Jack Alexander. Paperback, A4 or thereabouts, 53 pages. The main, and best, part of this excellent book is about American reaction to news of the first British tanks and the various machines that were constructed...
New figure sets now out.All part of an expanding range for the Middle East,Egypt,Palestine,Mesapotamia and Gallipoli. Hope you like them. All 1:76 scale.
Can anyone help me with this? I thought I knew a little about the component parts of WW1 artillery pieces but can anyone enlighten me as to the function of this part of the sFH/02? (the pivoting strut with the holes next to the breech). Thanks
On my monthly search through the online section of the Imperial War Museum's Archives, I noticed something wrongly titled. They have what they call a MKIV with an experimental hydraulic transmission... and it is clearly a MKII or III. Is this just their mistake or is it a commonly mis-captioned phot...
Some books on horse drawn transport: Discovering Horse drawn transport of the British Army by D.J. Smith There is I believe a Schiffer book that deal with German Horse drawn transport.
These two old-timers where photographed outside Kabul in Afghanistan at CampWarehouse a while ago. ?The car I think is a Lancia IZM 1917, and the halftrack a French Citroen P4.
I read that the Tamiya Mark IV Male tank is actually more accurate and easier to build than Takom's, according to the reviews I've read. Does anyone agree or disagree?
I have been working on a WW1 tank cart for the carnivals based on the mark 1 design to mark the British invention of the tank. It has 3 speakers that will play engine sounds, 6 pounders gun sounds and vickers mg sounds. 300 lights and track moving light effects. Here are some photos of the progress so far. P...
In an old thread, Centurion mentioned that the March 1971 issue of Military Modelling magazine had an article on the Medium D tanks, including plans; I have just obtained a copy of this issue, which is quite intriguing. I was eager to see the plans, but having done so I see a number of features which seem...
If anyone hasn't spotted them yet, two WWI sets have been announced. Waterloo1815 are working on a set of Italian Alpini, and Strelets have announced a "Lawrence of Arabia" set for next year. Mind you, I think we're approaching the 10th anniversary of the promise of Strelets' Honved Cava...
I've had a request from Landships II about the colour of RR armoured cars in India in the 1920s. Black and white images seem to indicate a fairly pale colour. Anyone know? Regards, Charlie
This is a fairly recent book that I received-and read-today. Its about the defeat and decimation of two German cavalry divisions by Belgian dismounted horse and cyclists. We don't get much on the Belgian army in 1914(except the forts)so its interesting on that point alone. It is however a first clas...
First of all, a warning: think carefully before watching this video about the development of the tank. It is so wrong about so many things that you might spontaneously combust. It contains many old favourite mistakes, plus lots of exciting new ones that hardly seem possible. It even gets wrong the da...
Described as: film of a Mark I tank at the Royal Armoured Corps Centre, Bovington, Dorset, showing exterior shrapnel damage, compartment, ammunition storage, 6 pounder gun and engine, with commentary.The tank is in the open, on a sloping plinth. Can't see enough of the buildings in the background...
Am building a mk 4 Beutepanzer and need some help with colour,Tankograd states that it should be monochrome green? any idea what this green is, and any idea what make of paint to use! THE OLD LANCER
This short film of Stern was made in 1957, when he was 79, give or take a year. He walks to a chair on the steps of his house, using a walking stick. He appears to be slightly unsteady on his feet, and has put on a great deal of weight. By now, he bears quite a resemblance to the old British actor Bernard Lee, for...
Via Yorkshire Film Archive at A SCRAP OF PAPER (1914-1918): This film, made by Debenham & Co. of York, was made in order to raise money for the dependents of war casualties as well as soldiers disabled during the conflicts of World War I. It feature...
Since I was here. I did buy the Takom Male Mark IV tank. It isn't really complicated, but the parts count sure frightened me! One problem though. I'm working on the two big guns and have no idea what they actually looked like or what colors the portions were. Has anyone else already done this model?...
In the next lot of W^D figure sets are Middle East figures.These will be suitable for Gallipoli,Egypt,Palestine and Mesapotamia. These are W^D 54,relaxed poses,I thought they would be ideal for the Gazza tank. What do you think??
Ciao, NEW PRICE (Last kit - End production 15 settembre 2015)25,00 Euro -- Grazie per aver scelto i nostri modelli / Thank you for choosing our models Giorgio, for GB Modelli
Citizens: I've just been reading the?thread on the CA2 & 3, and I think I've made a horrible discovery. There is a film made in Germany in 1930 called Westfront 1918 - a grimmer version of All Quiet.?Two excerpts are on Youtube. At the very end of Part One, two tanks appear, supporting an Allied atta...