Apologies if this is outside the scope of the forum: my excuse is it may have some cross over interest for 1919 onwards. I have discovered Beamish Museum are holding two large photo albums from Vickers titled tank development by Vickers Armstrong Ltd and which seem mainly to cover the period 1919-1...
You will be interested to learn that the article on the A7V on French Wikipedia explains carefully that the Polish Army received five A7Vs after the Great War. Or at least it did until a few minutes ago. It also explains that it is a direct translation of the German article. In fact, the German article do...
for info and interest, there isa UK site that contains pdf copies of many bound copies of Engineering Magazine, I happened across some ww1 tank related articles in Dec 1921 today. See www.gracesguide.co.uk search for engineering bound copies for an example see (page 592 onwards) http://www.g...
Finally coming to the end of this project but hit a snag- the chain drives are brittle and broke while I installed the track sponsons. Ah the joys of modelling! Here are a few pics. The full build can be seen at Armourworkshop.ca So I spent more time adding some pigments to the lower chassis and hull as wel...
PS35C176 Freikorps "Hedi" full resin kit Complete kit contains parts of resin & big decals for two vehicles. Kit is only for expert modellers PS35255 Freikorps "Hedi" conversion set Conversion resin set contains parts of resin & big decals (for two vehicles). Ki...
I just received this large (about 2 feet long, weight about 30 pounds) metal (all magnetic) scale model of an Austin Putilov armored car, I think series 2. The tires are very hard old rubber. All of the rivets are individually driven in and finished off. the doors, hatches, and visors all swing up and op...
Dear all, I would like to ask you if anyone is planning to join the Tankfest this year? We are planning a trip to the UK and maybe visiting the Tankfest. Due to the cultural gap I hope I don't ask with importunity to meet some of you. Kind Regards Chris
Ok I've put this off far too long. I am 'Finally' starting on a 1/16 scale version of the MK1 Tank. :) Up to now I have had fears of my 3D abilities letting me down and causing there to be compromises I just wouldn't be happy with... well a few years of working in CAD 3D, I'm 90% through my 1/6 scale build and hav...
The first few photos on this web page show the riveting work on the armrest for the German 10,5cm lFH 1898/09.Until a week ago I just had it put together with bolts.http://lovettartillery.com/10.5cm_leichte_Feld_Haubitze_Limber.htmlThe rest of the page shows the restoration process from be...
Just a thought from looking at the current range of kits available - Takom sell workable tracks for the Mk IV 'Tadpole' Tank. Would they, in theory, fit the Emhar Whippet, with the correct number of links removed?
Having read so many negative reports about the above I bought it mainly for the figures - pity I managed to lose one of them immediately! The instructions I will say no more about except the article on Landships II proved invaluable.
On offer from E.J. Morten booksellers: Historical Record of the 4th Battalion Royal Tank Corps, by H.G.R. Burgess-Short. Pub Aldershot, 1925. First Edition. 77 pages. 7 maps. Roll of officers. Account of the Bn. on the Western Front. Price £80. I suspect Gwyn might know of this book.
http://preservedtanks.com/Profile.aspx?UniqueId=1174These are the supposed locations of the vehicle during its lifetime:1: Metropolitan-Cammell Carriage and Wagon Company Limited, Wednesbury, Staffordshire, West Midlands, Britain (Sole manufacturer of base vehicle - December 191...
Some picture from my new model. I will appreciate your comments. She will be Black Arrow II Ok, last wheel is not the correct size but I think it will work Some work to dapt the plastic idler wheel [img]http://www.ferreamole.i...
Hi all! In this picture you can see polish general during an inspection at the Lviv area in January 1919. Can you tell me what is the brand of thisrailroad inspection car?
The alleged source of the replica A7V shown below. Have found a synopsis: Victory was written by Boyd Cable, a specialist in military melodramas, and directed by M. A. Wetherell, who had previously directed the WWI docudrama The Somme. As the Germans advance into France in 1918, thousands of refuge...
This is quite a rare piece, according to Filippo Castellano only two remains, both in Torino, one is Museo dell'Artiglieria (closed since decades) and the other inside the Museo del Risorgimento, who reopened just 3 years ago.
Would anyone have any dimensional data on the Hotchkiss Mk. 1 machine gun as used in the Whippet? One of the aftermarket firms is planning to do a turned brass barrel and wants to make it as accurate as possible. I have a cross sectional drawing of the US manufactured version, but dimensional data is a bi...
It's not surprising that tank crew of WW1 (or any period really) are seen wearing as little additional equipment as possible - in the case of British WW1 Tank crew little more than a belt with a pistol and ammunition pouch, as well as anti-gas protection. I'd have thought the men must have taken their h...
I live in Australia (so the UK is a looong way away) and I've tried sending them a FAX with my e-mail address and contact details, but have so far heard nothing from them. I need some of their items to complete one or two projects... I'm getting desperate. I'm ready to order as soon as I know they have the ite...
As well as I believe it being proven quite easily that this Mk IV is not 'Britannia', the rest of the description is quite a mean feat for a Mk IV seeming as they weren't used at Arras: "Mark IV Female Liberty: stored at Anniston Army Depot, Anniston, Alabama. Originally named Britannia, this t...