Just back from the annual Saumur exhibition where I bought some kits as usual, I turn to a long range projet depicting the military narrow gauge railway. As far I know, two companies offer materials : Blitz models (Péchot and Decauville) and U models (Péchot). My first one will be 3 boxes from Blitz : [I...
What appears to be very much like a Renault FU tank carrier has survived unrecognised in France - see here (under 6 August 2008): http://www.prewarcar.com/ Phil, I hope you didn't mind me sending a link to your site.
Hello all!After some time just reading and lurking, with only a few posts, I`ve gathered strength to contribute something original to our forum.My choice is the Trubia Tank series, and I intend to build in paper the first prototype (1926) at 1/72.[URL=http://s1235.photobucket.com/user/AgaPa...
I managed to obtain a couple of the above a couple of months ago from e models but they no long have any of the MkIIs - one was converted into a supply tank (now that would be way for Masterbox to produce another MKI/II model!). Looking at Hannants and several other UK sites it is still quoted as future rel...
Progress on the bus kit.We have now decided to bring out 2 kits,one for the civilian version and the other for the W^D type. Progress is coming along nicely.I have enclosed some pic's of where we are at the moment. I look forward in getting your comments.
I thought I'd enclose a summary of what I've found to date on the tanks touring the US. I've tried not to draw too many conclusions yet. As you will see there are still things to be clarified/uncovered. I've keyed the photos to the text. Any extra info welcome. ?Forest Park St Louis Mis...
Today I made the journey over to Holborn to visit The Dolphin Tavern, which, on the night of 9th September 1917, was hit by a high explosive bomb dropped from KapitanLeutnant Mathy in Zeppelin L13. Three men were killed, one of them, Fireman Green, dying of burns while trying to put fires out in nearby h...
After discussing about the roof gratings at some lenght in this thread I think it's fair to show what's I've done on the basically good Emhar kit parts so far. The upper "turret" After carefully cleaning up each piece, I saw that they were made with quite precise measurements, and that each...
I am currently reading this book which is a Holmes / Watson story set during the late summer 1916 at the tank training ground at Elveden Hall near Thetford aerodrome. I can see that the "tank" aspects appear about correct but there are various aspects which I cannot seem to correlate with an...
I'm rather happy! Usually when I turn to a conversion or a scratchbuilt, a new offer comes before I complete my own. This time I finish this Whippet just before the new Takom! The kit itself claims for some improvements like Takom tracks, new tool boxes and some minor improvements : [IMG]https://i1...
The book gone to Russia to Fight which is about RAF Operations in South Russia 1918-1920 does have some information on tank operations during this period.
Some more WW I era movies ect I found on youtube: Lenin in 1918 Chapaev a clip from We are from Kronstadt Battleship Potemkin documentary Russia Lost Princesses The Sinking of the Lusitania a film clip of the Lusitania as she began her last voyage some documentaries on this ship
I apologise again for using experts time up, but I had thought I could of resolved this with out bringing it to a public forum but it seems all the experts I have previously contacted do not wish to reply to messages I have sent to them via several different forums. Does anyone know of anyone who has photog...
The Keil Kraft B-Type Bus is driving me mad. I need some assistance. A scan of the whole model compared to the plans shows it to be generally to scale, except that?the passenger area is?too short. However, when I measure the individual?sections and scale them up, they work out about right. I can't figu...
Gentlemen, I was in doubt if this post would better go to the "Modelling" area or here... I'm contemplating starting the 1/72 Emhar kit of the A7V. On examining the parts, I see that the roof has large gratings that give to the bare interior a degree of visibility. Was this like that in the rea...
Apparently, TAKOM is continuing their Great War model theme. Next will be a 21cm Mörser, 10/16. This would suggest it can be built with the "lange" barrel and comes with "radgürtel". Again, it will be in the Oriental scale.