Hi Everyone, I'm a Meccano modeller and I'm looking for schematic drawings of Little Willie, the protoype tank currently residing at Bovington Tank Museum. If anyone can help, it sure would beat a trip there in person! Most of all, I'm interested to see how the crawler sections are attached to the mai...
Maybe you can help me? I?m looking for several TV documentarys: "The Underground War" -Channel 4; 1998 "Battlefield Scavengers" - ITV; 2000 "The Forgotten Battlefield" - BBC; 2002 "The Trench" - BBC; 2002 (from Dominic Ozanne, not the Daniel Craig mo...
Greetings, I am looking for any photos of a particular Mk. V: No. 9060 which was commanded by Lt. Richard Averill Parke. It was knocked out by a direct hit on September 28, 1918, while approaching the jump-off line. The 301st's after-action report records the crew as "shell shocked".? Par...
Hello Guys
I am looking for drawings of the No.1 Lincoln Machine, and Little Willie for a project I am working on, I would appreciate any help.
All the Best
Tim R.
Hello Everyone
I am currently doing a project on German late war and Frikorps/Reichswehr Armoured Cars,
Like the Krupp-Daimler Gepanzerten Kraftwagen Sd Kfz. 3, the DZVR, and also the Benz VP21, as well as the Schuposondwerwagen, or any improvised armoured cars, like those used by the...
Sort of. I wasn't aware of this (from Wikipedia): A model of the Tsar Tank is featured in a montage sequence depicting the slaughter of World War I in Sergei Eisenstein's 1927 film October: Ten Days That Shook the World. Anyone seen it?
I've been restoring a 10.5cm le FH 16 (I believe) for the Town of Andover, MA until I read an excerpt from H Jager on another subject which gave me pause.? The carriage has a date of 1918 on it but the barrel's markings are from 1910.? Based on the markings I believe I have a Reinmetall howitzer but now am not...
I just acquired that postcard of a German (Imperial Eagle) armored truck with a huge reel underneath. Any idea of what iT is? IT also seems like the pix was taken somewhere near palm trees!!??
can you tell me more about this picture taken from the latest issue of the excellent GBM which is supposed to depict a WW1 commando team in camo suits (and not cheap aliens from a Corman movie). Are there any pictures to support this drawing ? I presume those are French soldiers with the "Adrian&qu...
Couple of shots of a photo on display at the Royal Armouries, Leeds. Interesting ambulance, a type I haven't seen before - anyone know what the manufacturer is? It's certainly not one of the usual ones seen such as Ford, Crossley, Daimler or Austin. Interestingly, looks like it says 'FANY 1' on the bon...
Hi, Can anyone tell me the type of headwear worn by British troops, during the 1915-16 period, while carrying out raiding patrols on enemy trenches ? Paul
Good afternoon! Whether there is an information on this device? Drawings, schemes, drawings, a photo. How it is arranged, how operates? -- Edited by vad26 at 15:26, 2009-02-02
I thought big scale fans would see some interest in my attempt to convert the Verlinden MkIV into a MkV as used by the US 301st heavy tank Bn in September 1918. Here are the latest photos: -- Edited by Manu-Military at 14:55, 2009-02-03
Greetings, Attached is a photo, taken near Manacourt, France, of no. 9941. Does anyone know who commanded this tank and to what unit it was assigned? Thank you, John A-G Jackson, Missouri USA
I finally achieved the scrachtbuilt conversion to depict a MkV as used by the US 301st Heavy tank Bn in the Somme in September 1918. Hope you'll like it, any comments are welcome. A lot more shots at http://manu-military.e-monsite.com -- Edited by Manu-Military at 11:12, 2009-02-16
You might remember a few months ago I posted an article about a plaque that had been sold at auction, one of several made at Foster's and presented to staff and suppliers to mark their contribution. In the auction programme there was only a small photo that didn't give any idea of the scale.
Well a frie...
Dear forumites This is not an easy one,but I'm looking?for any info or pictures on the use of AC's by Makhno's Insurgent army(anarchist forces) during the Russian civil war. Wikipedia mentions 4 captured and an armored train. The latest book by Osprey in their essential history series mentions AC'...
As i've been lucky enough to win a free flight with Jet2 airlines, i'm going to take the opportunity to fly over to Albert and have a 4/5 day walking tour of the Somme. I've never been before, and was wondering if there was any relics of the Great War still around, ie artillery or even vehicles (although I d...
Thought it would be of interest to some members to see these photos of two replica WW1 Tanks in the UK which i've seen in the past year This is the 'Flyboys' Tank, which was modified after spending a loooong time outsid...
Simplex 40hp petrol locomotive as used on War Department Light Railways - there were three degrees of protection, open ones (ie no armour whatsoever), protected (as seen) and armoured, which looked a bit like a tank. The protected and armoured ones earned the nickname 'Tin Turtle' for obvious reas...
One of my favourite exhibits at the RAF Museum is this Crossley light tender, built on the chassis of the Crossley 20/25 chassis which was also used as a staff car (see the thread on the Shuttleworth Collection for a photo of one). The first one was delivered to the Royal Flying Corps in 1913 and by the end...
Finally some more progress shots. After having done the camo scheme to my scratchbuilt model of A7V /540 I am at least at the stage of applying all the details by brush. [IMG]h...
I know this is a slightly odd question... but does anyone have any information (or photos, for preference) about German petrol cans? I am looking to make a model with a Beute being re-equipped... Cheers, Colin
Found in "l'ann?e scientifique 1912" in an article about military use of aircraf, this curious description which reads like a 1945 German secret weapon but must be a 1912 French (even more secret) weapon. Unfortunately no name is given . Any idea ? (translated roughly by myself) "A...
I'm currently researching the Pierce Arrow armoured anti-aircraft lorries which mounted a 2 pdr pom-pom, of which 48 were built (not all armed). Aside from this information in 'War Cars' by David Fletcher, I was wondering if anyone had any more information on them and the unit that used them, the Roy...