As many of you know, you can pull up a wealth of pictures off of the message boards over at the "" boards. Now, I can't understand any of the text, but there sure are a lot of pictures! I was cruising through them... And I found this:
It has long possible to donate to the upkeep of this Forum, to keep it free of ads and to give us a number of extra functions. And it has actually been kept going by these donations, that go directly to the Forum providers, Sparklit. Now the same thing is possible for the website itself (via Paypal - see thi...
Dear all, this is my first post, so bare with me. I've been a keen visitor of Landships for years, and with the news of today I thought I'd start a thread, even if somewhat out of topic. Robert Meier, Germany's oldest man and one of the last WW1 veterans, died yesterday. He was one of the very f...
? Some German Feldkanone and at least two types of fuses had a designation of "c" as part of their oficial designation. For example schwere Feldkanone C/73, C/79/91 and fuses DopplZ c/92 and DopplZ c/96.?Sometimes the letter is upper case and other times it is lower case depending on the r...
Does anyone know if the German Railway Guns had a standard wheel size? I've got a kit of the draizine armoured truck - are the wheels able to be used on dmodels of the big gubs? Tony
Where could I find a particular back issue from the Royal Tank Corps Journal?? I'm looking for an article written about NORPERFORCE by CAPT Wilcox in June 1933, Vol. 15, No.170?
I stumbled onto your site, by accident, in looking for WW1 armored car info. As with my love of ACW ironclad ships, I am drawn to the quirkiness and variety of the many armored cars of this period. I collect 54mm toy soldiers, so for some time ,have been looking for armored car models in 1/32 or 1/35 to matc...
Link enclosed to an interesting site on one of the less chronicled allied forces. in WW1 Whilst no Brazilian fighting units served on the Western front individual Brazilian soldiers did, including one who commanded an Renault 17. A number of Brazilian pilots were trained by the RFC an...
Apparently, Triumph, the company that makes motorcycles, decided to get in on the One-Man Tank idea in 1943, producing a prone-driven motorcycle style grip-controlled one-man tank.
Hello Everyone, This is my first post here, but I have been lurking for a long time and have learnt a lot from all your interesting Posts. What I would be interested in finding out are what kinds of trucks/cars etc that were in use in a British tank battalion at the end of the War? Also how many were there? I g...
I know nothing at all about armoured trains. This is described as a Belgian one - that's all the info there is. First time I've heard of such a thing. Does it make any sense to anyone? Might make a nice model if it's gen.
I received this book recently and it seemed somewhat of a disappointment. There is nothing wrong with the text or photos but the colour plates have quite a few errors.
Plate A:
Rivets: The rivet pattern for Mephisto is incorrect. This is more representative of a later build A7V.
Exhaust pipe...
Does anyone know what ranks William "Billy" Mitchell had and when he received them? Is this right? 1915 Major1917 Lieutenant-Colonel1918 Brigadier-General thanks were fiercely independent and quite audacious, and while they threw themselves into their hard and gruelling work, they are also remembered for their prop...
Hello everyone,I just bought a magasine (in french) with 3 interesting articles :- 270mm mortar mod.1885 De Bange- 194 GPF on track- Berliet CBABoth have good pictures, colour drawings All the best-- Edited by Eric at 05:29, 2007-02-01
The trickle is becoming a flood. Plastic Soldier Review says HaT are planning the following: ? Franco-Prussian War French Infantry Franco-Prussian War Prussian Infantry Franco-Prussian War Prussian Jaeger Franco-Prussian War Bavarian Infantry WWI & WWII Six-horse train with limber for...
Ever wondered how exactly a British Trench Latrine was arranged? Or know the difference between a Dog-Leg and a T-Head? Well, help is now at hand: a new article has been posted in the Fortifications Section, where you can find a collection of wartime plans of WW1 Trenches, for now only British & some Ge...
Hello! I bought several white metal WW I -figures (The Fusilier, 1/24 scale) and Mack Bulldog trucks (Sierra West, 1/48 scale), also white metal. I didn't work with metal parts so far. Now there are several questions to the group: - How do I have to prepare the parts before assembling them? - Which...
?Hi all, well for years many modellers and wargamers avoided soft plastic because it was difficult to glue and paint wouldnt stick.......well it seems those time are over for some of us the new super glues have solved the problem of sticking the stuff and recently I discovered this paint when checkin...
Howdy and Good Morning Fellas
I just recently purchased an old OOP Airfix kit. It's the old 1911 Rolls Royce kit in 1/32nd scale. I purchased this kit with the odea in mind of using it to build a WWI Rolls Royce based armoured car in {finally} a larger scale.
So, my question, even though it m...
After scaling some card kits to be printed out in different scales to suit other models, I thought it might be handy for others to see the conversion ratios needed for reprinting. This information is also helpful for enlarging/reducing scale plans. Hopefully the chart is self-explanatory but if it...
Hello, I recently ran across the Soma photo archives online at Soma. There are many interesting photos that I have never before seen. Here are several examples: [img]
Has anyone read this book? If so, what did you think? The British Army in Italy, 1917-18 (Hardcover) by J. Wilks (Author), Mrs.J. Wilks (Author) Thanks, Chris
Hello Peter Kempf and all fighters involved with the new FORUM !
This seems to be a new and better forum style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to all related personell. Let me be one of the first
congratulators of the new sceme.
For those who do not had a proper image of...