A number of designs were produced during WW1 for large or medium artillery based on the Davis recoiless principle whereby a counterweight was fired rearwards out of a second barrel by the same charge that fired the shell out of the main barrel. These were much larger than the various Davis weapons tha...
Does anyone else remember these? I remember them as a kid, but they weren't as interesting as cowboys, knights, spacemen, etc. I am now much more mature?and able to?appreciate them in a scholarly way. They were made by Crescent Toys in 54mm. I've managed to get hold of the 4 riflemen, but I...
Take a look at this site. Covers the Vladivostok fortifications and artillery from about 1890 to 1930. Alost of WW1 vintage stuff
I didn't realize old threads didn't resurface after a new post, until now. I updated my previous post about the Lusitania project with new picture and I found it awkward not to get any feedback from other MK. I admirers... Here is the old link with the new updates: http://www.activeboard.co...
Records at The National Archives show that following the First World War, the War Office received a request to sell three Mk IX supply tanks to a Mr A. Edm. Hansen of Berterbrogade 126, Copenhagen, Denmark for an expedition to Greenland. ? There was an issue about selling tanks to a non-allied power, b...
????????????? ?????Gentlemen, ????? ??Could anyone provide plans/general dimensions/pics of the LATIL TAR truck,?? ?? Info on any version?would be appreciated?but specially in? the tank transporter variant. ? Thank you in advance, ??EDUARDO MAMORETTI
i followed the link from Matador's site and found these, "Black Lion Decals" http://www.blackliondecals.nl/decals1-72.htm these are the 1/72 ones, but they also do 1/35 ones
I enclose a photo that I've designated Whippet P2. It appears in a number of books and is said to be the prototype Medium A after the fuel tank has been moved to the front and the turret removed and superstructure raised but before the circular gun ports have been fitted. At first sight this makes perfect...
Foster's 1919 publication quotes an account of Whippets exchanging fire with German tanks at Villers Bretonneux, the German tanks failing to score a hit and breaking off the action with the Whippets as British heavy tanks came in sight. Unfortunately no date is given. Is the the same action that end...
Anyone that wants a copy of that (as always) rare Al.By 1/72 of the Latil TAR French WW1 Arty Tractor, should check at Special East (see the suppliers section). They have it in stock!
Just a quick one (I'm having a very busy period at work, right now, and I have a back-log of mail to answer, sorry about that) but I can't hold this piece of news off: The final gap in the model line-up of WW1 tanks have now been filled! Yes, there is a 1/72 kit out of th...
Quite some time ago I posted some shots of Belgian and German (naval) dog drawn machine guns. To my surprise I now discover that there was also a British unit with dog pulled guns. Its possible that they may be RM. This makes sense as RM units fought in Belgium and could have picked up the idea there, also a...
One of the views we don't often get in photos is of the top of the tank. Fiding the enclosed that has a good view of the top of a Mk IV I notice that the number 24 is painted in large digits on the top of the cab. The only point that I can think of is for the benefit of RFC contact patrols so they can report the tanks p...
Companeros, Im putting together a Mark IV tank. What would be the coorrect paint scheme, numeration, etc.. for a tank present at Cambrai?? Thanks francisco
could anyone provide image/drawing/info on how the crane for loading ammunition to 30.5 austro-hungarian mortar was ?
Thank you in advance,
The Bovington Tank Museum was kind enough to send me some photocopy thumbnails of their inventory of Carden Loyd One-Man, and Vickers 1921 No.2 photos. Much thanks to the Bovington Tank Museum and David Fletcher, outstanding folk.
I am informed that, indeed, the Carden-Loyd One Man tank turre...
I just recieved my photo reproductions from the Bovington Tank Museum. I edited the 'Do Not Reproduce' warnings onto the images just in case there are some ethical guidelines about posting such images on forums.
The Tank Museum has been extremely helpful in my research for this vehicle. Quite f...
I have a serious problem :). I dont know how to spell a name of one tank, there are many sources and many variants: Oberschlesien / Oberschleisen / Oberschliesen Do you know which is the right one? (Oberschlesien sound best, I think.. Its a part of Germany)
I found this photo on this forum some time ago.. and now I am getting little bit interested.. it's an US(?) tank, similar to "Ford 3 ton", with strange tracks.. Anyone knows what is it?
Here is my very late participant in the forum's group build we had last summer. Well, I was finished in time, but didn't manage to get it photographed until just recently. Some of you may remember my in progress pic's too - I've practically corrected everything with the kit, includi...
From time to time, I see references to a document that seems to have been compiled in 1918 to list all the surviving vehicles, MT at least, in service.? It must have been a census, possibly carried out in preparation for the disposal of surplus vehicles or for some form of accounting requirement. Does a...