In the series "Weaponology" on the Military Channel, there is film of the 1914 Pattern RR cars on the show titled "Armored Personnel Carriers".?? Don't ask me why it shows up in that particular show, but it is facinating to see the cars "in action". Very cool stuff .....
I know a lot of people have had various difficulties and frustrations with the forum but I think the slightly new appearance, where new posts are in boldface as well as having the nodding icon beside them, makes it easier to pick out the new posts from all the old posts. Thanks to whoever is responsible f...
Hello everybody, have been searching the internet little bit and found one interesting site with many plans... some of them I have never seen before. are all thore from WW1-era?
Hello, I've been looking into the history of Rolls Royce Armoured Cars for a while now and have been struck by the lack of a complete service history for these fascinating and important vehicles. Having given up hope of ever finding an official history, I have been working on a timeline of my own showin...
This photo is entitled "The Kaiser in Bowness 1900" but I can't make head or tail of it. It does suggest that the need for security and body guards was much less then than it is now
Looking around I found a Spanish web site with some good pictures of the Char 2C but also an interesting piece of info - if true.
It claims that tank no 99, named Champagne, survived the ruin in 1940 and was shipped to Germany. In 1942 it was sent to the Renault factory and overhauled before being...
? ?Peter, I find the colour/s You choose for painting your models Generator Zug and Skoda 42 cm Haubitze very appropiated for being used in the models I am finising now( the generatorzug and a 38 cm haubitze companion.) Also the wheathering of the kanone seems efective. I woul appreciate? your advice...
I found this photo of a tank at Ulverston. It was?uploaded by an anonymous? person to a website about Barrow. It looks like a presentation tank arriving in 1919 but differs from most such photos in that it has no large home service number (presentation tanks coming from Bovingdon had a number in the 200...
Does any one have anything on this? William Pitt Shattuck II was a citizen of Minneapolis and a general purpose inventor (a sort of American Wallace without a Grommit). In 1918 he claimed to have invented the 'tank' as early as 1888. He appears to have designed an armed, armoured and tracked v...
Hello, Here's a link I ran across at another forum to photos of a Russian (formerly British) WWI tank under restoration: Scroll down the page to find the clickable thumbnails. Mark
A couple of years ago, I came across a smallish photo of a beautiful diorama by Erik Trauner of the wonderful Austro-Daimler armoured car of 1904. Superbly crafted and imaginatively posed and photographed, it is a wonderful diorama. A few minutes ago, to my delight, I found a new website by Herr Traun...
I just bought a copy of the new "Histoire et Collections" publication, "Les canons de la victoire" by Pierre Touzin (whose work on French AFVs is essential to anyone who wants a command of AFV development in France) and Francois Vauvillier, volume three in the new series?&quo...
I've just been digging amongst my storage boxs and realised that I have an unbuilt 1/72 white metal kit of the above. This must be 15? years or more old. The car looks not too bad (but the figures supplied with it (two pilots and 3 ground crew) are totally pants and shall be assigned to the dustbin of histor...
In the 'German Tanks' section, topic 'Loading Beute'?there was some mentioning of German use of Traction Engines. I found this website, dealing with the Kemna EM (Einheitsmaschine). Thought it might interest you.
Is it just me or has this feature broken? I keep trying to attach but getting an error message saying that the file does not appear to be an image format and then the whole **@@!** thing just freezes
?Gentlemen, ?wanted sugestions on how to paint an Ehrhardt armored car, European front. Thank you in advance, EDUARDO Thank you in ttadvance,Strassenpanzerkraftwagen Ehrhardt
Hello gentlemen, From the pics I gathered here on the forum, I can only see "Lusitania" written on both sides of the tank, on an outer front up position (OFU). Why are there 3 "Lusitania" decals on Landships sheet? Is it some sort of spare?
Comrades, I have seen at least two photos fom what I identify as the generator zugwagen working on rails.? I attached one, it seems to be pulling special carts (an hibrid between horse pulled-railwagon). Could anyone confirm is that true? Never heard about the b zug was a rail/ open road operating veh...
I have really become interested in the WWI armoured car and was wondering if anyone has any info. on any armoured car vs armoured car actions. Thanks, Chris
No accounts that I've read explain precisely how Estienne came to be informed of and an observer of British tank development. AJ Smithers doesn't mention him until Stern, Swinton, & Gen. Butler visit him after Sep 15th 1916; he's not present at trials until Oldbury in March 1917. R...
Hi, can anyone tell me what kind of sights were fitted to male 6 pdr guns?? I haven't been able to find a photo that shows the sighting arrangement clearly. At the Bovington Museum, I recall seeing a free standing hotchkiss 6 pdr, with a clamp on its left for a sight, but no sight fitted.? Perhaps sigh...
Hello, I have a request for Poland reader. I have 2 kits from Modelkrak, unfortunately with the text in Polish. What I want to understand is the explanation of the colour and marking. 1st one : Austin Series 1 Malowanie modelu : kolor podstawowy - stalowo szary ogumienie - czarny mat 2nd one : Armstrong...
Last week, I had to go to the village of Doorn here in Holland, so I visited the last place where Kaiser Wilhelm II lived in exile. I've attached a few photo's of the house, the mausoleum and a buste. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to take the guided tour, but in the museum shop I not...
I attach a photo of what looks like a Russian truck with a largish gun with a big armoured shield. I don't think its an AA gun as the mount doesn't look as if it could do very high angle stuff. Any suggestions?