I couldn't resist doing a quicky drawing based on one of the US patents. This 'armoured car' was patented in 1916 by A.J.Jehlik. I've put a figure in to show the scale. Thats not wheels at the front but a 20ft wide roller! I'll try and do a more detailed 3 view based on the patent sketches later. I note that M...
A photo has been advertised on eBay (item no. 120100883295) which shows a Mk V on display somewhere in Europe or Russia during WW2. The WD number seems to show it to be a hermaphrodite but the odd thing about the tank is that it has what seems to me to be a 37mm gun in the male sponson. Were some Mk V's re-a...
Gentlemen! Our forum and page having extended to a huge source of information, it might have elapsed my attention if there are some info's on the following Armoured Cars I have enhanced from Russia. The subtitle on the Russo-Balt reads: "Notice the sloped fronts of many succesors of Russian Tanks! T...
? Gentlemen, ?I think you all will agree on?that Vickers A1E1 Independent is a badly neglegted modelling subjet (if I am not wrong?there is no kit? from any resin model make). The Vickers A1E1?could be considered special amongst?others landship- type-design that rise from WW1 ideas since we find?...
Hello I am currently building yet another wagon from the French 600 mm. railway systems behind the frontlines. It is a wagon built at the army workshops at Suippes. The wagon is primarily built from wood?and runs on resin Pechot-bogies from 13'eme Dragon, France?(a kit no longer available). Lo...
Companeros, Are there any close up pics showing the "drop system"?for the?fascines that were atop the cambrai Mark IV's? On some of the Cambrai pics?you can make out the fascine,chain, and?the improvised wooden handle, but they are poor quality and from far away.? Any help would be...
?Hello Guys, A friend has emailed me these pictures of a shell she has, it belong to her great uncle, can any?one give me some information on this shell for her. Her Question>> ?I am interested in finding out about an old WW1 shell that?I have . It resembles the? small cone shaped? tops of several s...
How were the official markings, such as WD numbers, "SUPPLY", W-R-W stripes,?applied to British heavies? Was it a spray on affair or hand painted or a mix of the two?
Dear All, I am on the moment restoring a German Traction Engine known as the KEMNA EM type. Our engine was build by Haubold in Chemnitz, but other makers buit the same engine, all to the original design of Julius Kemna. It is for sure that these traction engines were used for heavy haulage, like guns etc....
Hi partners, here is a challenge. I collecto artillery photos of diferent times but my preference is for the WW1. Y`ve got these pictures but without identification, all of it are french pieces of WW1. Y hope your help. Thanks and regards -- Edited by vesubius at 15:39, 2006-10-23
I've posted some "new" photos?showing 11th Hussars RR cars while they were still in England and then when posted to Palestine and Egypt during the 1930s. http://groups.msn.com/RAFArmdCarCompanies One of the interesting things I noted was the removal of the commander's cup...
Hi Peter,
I tried to send you an email, but it kept bouncing back, so I am doing it this way...
I have a few questions. I see on your site that you have an article of the 15cm Schiffskanone i.R. L/40. Now, I am looking for the dimensional information of this gun. I have the barrel le...
Hello, I was trying to compare infos about two similar tanks.. the German TreffAs Wagen and US "Three Wheeled Steam Tank".. about the US one there is an information that it was driving about 15 meters and then became stuck; about TreffAs i know just, that it was tested and because of product...
The attached photo may be of a Mk IV female sponson but there is an outside chance that it might be a Mk III late female sponson. I don't want to reveal more at the moment as I don't want anyone making a judgement on the lines of "its a photo taken on the nth of xmonth in the year 191x in Erewhon an...
I thought that the artillery buffs might like to see this. It looks as if its been lifted straight off the deck of a light cruiser. -- Edited by Centurion at 22:16, 2006-11-11
I am having a real busy spell at work right now so I can't answer e-mail, update etc, as much as I wish I could. So if you are waiting for some kind of response from me, please be patient: it will come!
Curse Peter Kempf. This little article on Belgium has turned into The Da Vinci Code, but without the vast remuneration. Anyway, I need some help. There are references to Belgian troops using a Berthier machine-gun. I can't find any pics of it, just the fact that it "pre-dates WW1" and...
Dear All, On the moment we are restoring a German type steam traction engine. These engines of the EM type were built between 1914-18 by various companies to the original design of Mr Julius Kemna. The type EM stands for "Einheits Machine", so all builders made the same identical engine. O...
Saw a neat pic of an autocar, cheap early truck with steel sides,
in action in Amiens 1918.
The Canadians used them to good effect to rout the krauts in the fall of 1918.
I think one still exists in Camp Borden.